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Adding Resources to more then one catagory

We should be able to select more than one catagory hen adding a reqource instead of having to add it more tham once.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

Listen to courses with screen off in mobile app

We have a need with our organization with internal podcasts that we create for long-form communication. Sometimes our learners will listen to these in their car without video. It would be very valuable for them to be able to listen as either a Res...
11 months ago in Mobile App 0 Unreviewed

Create Objects in Absorb with HTML Editor

Is there a plan to create content on Absorb directly by having a built-in HTML/Text Editor for Objects in training courses instead of needing to have an external link to content? It would be beneficial to have a rich text editor that allows users ...
over 1 year ago in Create / Object Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Create a "follow" button for a Forum

When joining a button, create a "follow" button that notifies forum participants by email that there is a new post.
7 months ago in Collaborations 0 Unreviewed

Individual course due dates visible within Curriculum

It would be helpful if the courses that are added to a curriculum retained their due date rather than the due date defaulting to that of the curriculum. For instance, if a curriculum has 5 courses, and they each have staggered due dates (30, 60, 9...
over 1 year ago in Curriculum 1 Unreviewed

Add 2 new filters: "Does not start with", and "Does not end with"

Our organization would like to add two NEW filter choices in a select box drop down menu that states “Does Not Start With” or something to that nature to help us filter choices for rules of assignment – those currently present are “Starts With”, “...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Allow Users to Hide/Customize the Filters in the Course Catalog

When accessing the course catalog from the Learner View, the filter includes the following fields: AlphabeticalRatingNewestTrendingMandatoryPrice High to LowPrice Low to HighTime to Completeconfuseshide There are multiple filter fields that do not...
11 months ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Access transcript with QR code

In construction, our learners may need to show evidence to a customer, auditor, inspector that they are trained on something directly in the field. It would be great if Absorb had a QR associated with every learner that would allow us to pull up t...
11 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Configure a Livechat Support Function

The ability to configure a Livechat such that learners and administrators could contact the owner of the LMS for support would provide a simple and easy to use support tool without the need for users to exit the LMS experience to get support
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Streamlined Curriculum Experience

The ability for a learner to enroll into all of the courses in a curriculum and progress through them without having to return to the curriculum
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery