It would be great if Absorb LMS could support two-way course content integrations with other ed tech tools. We use some tools that allow for integrations with LMS platforms to deliver content built in the tool directly to the LMS without needing t...
Can an option to send the nudge/reminder email be added to also go to Supervisor as well as the current learner option? We have a lot of managers who would like to get a reminder that an ILC is coming up for their users.
Please add the ability to add video embedd code or links to youtube videois in the collaborations sections. No need to store videos just allow linking and show thumbnails in the post
Ability to make the public-facing e-commerce page button to say "coming soon"
We have a use case scenario I'm hoping you can help us figure out, which will most likely involve your tech. We have several courses that are not quite ready yet but we want to list them in our Catalog as "Coming Soon" on our e-commerce site (see ...
We want to only allow 'managers' to self enrol on a course but there is no supervisor flag field in the dropdown self enrolment rule area. All line managers are actually absorb supervisors, i.e. an absorb user account may have them selected as the...
Allow for admins to build a library of course images that can be assigned to courses. This could single-source an image, so that if one ever needs updating, it would update all courses that use that image.
Ability to automatically email the instructor when a person enrolls into one of their ILC sessions.
I see that the Learner is emailed upon registering for a session when you customize the template. I also see where the Administrator(s) and Supervisor can be emailed. We need for just the learner and the instructor specified to be emailed automati...
Right now, enrollment keys can only assign users to a department. We need them to allow users to be assigned to a group as well. This will make a better process for both learner and admin.