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Import time to complete for LinkedIn Courses

When importing LinkedIn courses to the catalog the time to completion is not carried over. It is visible when you look at the courses on the admin side under LinkedIn Learning, but not in the catalog. Having to manually add is tedious.
4 months ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Grant Admin Role via Enrollment KEy

I want to allocate a specific admin role to a user based on how they answered a custom field question on an enrollment key. My use case is: I have users self-creating accounts using enrollment keys. In that enrollment key, they are required to pic...
4 months ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed

Recommended Courses based on Job Title or Department

Ability to set recommended courses or learning paths based on a user's job title. Right now, recommended courses are only based on a learners completed courses. It would be great if it could also include courses based on their job title, dept, or ...
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Ability to add Learner Time tag on certificates

Some of our accredited agencies require certificates to include the training hours. Learner Time tag was not an option when customizing our certificate. We had to remove it completely from the certificate.
about 1 year ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed

Have the option for users to see a course that they cannot enroll in until a competency is complete.

Have the option for users to see a course that they cannot enroll in until a competency is complete. Currently, if a competency is an enrollment rule the user cannot see the course. If they can see the course, they will know what it takes to gain ...
about 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Create post in Collaborations within the course page

It would be good to add a button saying "Create Post" or "Create Question" in the course page. Otherwise, once there is a post already, people need to click on the collaboration name, and then they are able to leave a new comment or question. Not ...
about 1 year ago in Collaborations 0 Unreviewed

Pivot Table Calculate Field

We are in need of a pivot table column or table column where we can show the % completion for each status type, including overdue. With the limitations on the functions, this is not currently possible.
almost 3 years ago in Analyze 2 Reviewed

Ability to Search a Custom Field Dropdown Box

When there is a large number of options within the dropdown box of a Custom Field, we'd like to be able to search that list, rather than scroll through it. In A5 we could start typing a word and the system would bring us down to that section of th...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Sharing Folders

Allow designers to share folders to viewers. We have a suite of dashboards that make sense to be broken up by requirement due to size but make sense to be organized in a single folder. By allowing sharing folders, we could create 4 distinct dashbo...
almost 3 years ago in Analyze 0 Reviewed

Engage Banner: Click count

Would be nice to be able to track how many times a banner has been clicked
over 2 years ago in Banners / Engage 0 Unreviewed