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Be able to change the order the courses are listed in a curriculum or bundle.

I would like to be able to change the order of how courses are listed in a curriculum or bundle. Click and drag feature to be able to add courses in any order and then rearrange them as needed.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Reviewed

Create - recycle bin

In Create, if we accidentally delete a page there is no way of getting it back. It would be great to have a recycle bin within a course being edited just in case. We've had this happen a couple of times and had to rebuild pages.
about 2 years ago in Create 3 Unreviewed

Manager Experience Capabilities

Currently our Managers and Supervisors are using Admin roles to manage their teams. The Manager Experience is a great option, however it is limited in the capability. It would be nice if Managers and Supervisors could enroll their employees into t...
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 1 Currently Available

Allow delete from groups be a button on the side panel

When looking at a group, you should be able to delete the user from the group with a delete button on the side panel. The current button deletes from the entire system and this is a horrible user experience. The drop down panel to un-click a box n...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed

Ability to Manually Arrange Questions in Enrollment Key and User Profile

Please give the ability to decide in what order the questions show up in an enrollment key and Portal Settings->User Profile. Currently, they just show up in the order of date they were added into Portal Settings->Custom Fields.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Message User from Course Upload Approval Page

It would be nice to have the ability to message a user directly from the Course Upload management page. We get users who will upload the wrong certificate and I have to go to their user profile to send them a message about how to correct the issue.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Improve Certificate Building

It would make certificate building a lot easier if users could just build their certificate as a word document and include {$EXAMPLEFIELD} to map merge fields instead of having to build the document then export as a PDF and add the fields that do ...
5 months ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Expand Direct Reports Box to see All Reports as you add

When adding new reports to the manager direct reports box on a user profile, you can't see everyone in there while you are adding new people. It would be great to see everyone so you can double check yourself.
9 months ago in Manager Experience 0 Unreviewed

Auto loop Billboard Videos

When adding a video to a billboard, it will play through, stop showing the play button, and then wait a few seconds longer before moving to the next billboard. It would be great if videos had an option of being auto looped, so that it continually ...
9 months ago in Billboards 0 Unreviewed

Dropdown menu mobile functionality

For those who require a dropdown menu of options for learners to select from upon signing up to train, it would be great to improve the functionality of the dropdown menu particularly on mobile. On desktop, learners can easily locate the dropdown ...
9 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed