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Ability to group or organize dashboard reports into folders

I have so many reports on my dashboard, it would be nice to be able to organize them into folders or groups with headers.
over 1 year ago in Administrator Dashboards 0

Customization options

Wish list to help with accessibility and design. (See attachment for the detail breakdown) Able to add buttons on the welcome banner as well as text to help with accessibility Standard pages background colour background Make the tiles have round c...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

Create a course gradebook

For courses, rather than being able to see task and assessment information by task/assessment, it would be ideal to see marks across all tasks within the course by learner.
over 1 year ago in Core LMS 1

Allow for open session choice in started ILC

When ILC are created with recurring meetings, people might want to join sessions that are already started - like for a use case of office hours. At the moment, they cannot.
over 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Create "View Only" setting in create

With multiple create licenses it means all users have edit access to modules generated in 'Create' which runs the risk of accidental or unauthorized edits that will be populated to courses containing the create content. By allowing an author to li...
over 1 year ago in Create 0

Toggle Reports to EDIT view, so bulk edits can easily be made to multiple courses/users.

Since all reports can be exported to a spreadsheet, why can't the report be toggled to an EDIT version within the platform? Then if I have a column on my report that I want to do a bulk edit to, I could copy/paste down the column and save, and the...
over 1 year ago in Core LMS 0

Multiple Venue Sessions Simultaneously

We would like to be able to add multiple training courses simultaneously to the same venue. E.G. We use external training providers who offer many courses that run on the same date, so when we are adding these into the system we have to set up dif...
over 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Provide a way to see full list of direct reports in Mgr. Experience (Too many to display)

Currently, when there are too many direct reports in a Manager's list, too many to display will appear. Admins have no way to reduce the list of users unless they can see the list and remove unneeded reports. (See pic)
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 0

Enroll button on a course content window needs to be moved

I've had 15 new hires this week keep missing where to click to enroll into a curriculum. I have a tile on the dashboard then when clicked takes them directly to the curriculum they need to complete. They open the course content window and dependin...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

View global resource while editing

While editing a global resource, the ability to click "view" to open the current file attached, similar to how it is when managing course uploads. Currently, it's only easy to check the file is accurate via the learner's dashboard.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery