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Approve Multiple External Trainings At Once

We receive multiple external trainings each week. It would be helpful to be able to approve more than one at a time on the report page.
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Timed Automatic Enrollment

There are times when I'd like a user to interact with course content over a period of time (to keep learning fresh). Perhaps they complete a course...a week later I'd like them to answer a question about a key concept (I envision I'd need to build...
9 months ago in Curriculum 2 Unreviewed

Resetting the "time to complete" when a course is duplicated

It would be helpful if the "time to complete" data reset when a course is duplicated. We utilize the course duplication feature a lot, and have noticed that the time to complete information carries over from the course that has been duplicated and...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Ability to turn on and off for the view category option by Tile

Currently the hide/show Category is a global setting for the portal. If this functionality was available by tile, it would improve the user experience and allow the administrator to show the view most suitable for the content by tile.
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Data Validation for User Postal Code for USA and Canada

An incorrectly formatted postal code on a user account can disable saving other edits on the user account, and no indication is provided to the admin that the postal code is the problem. Please do some data validation for USA and Canadian postal c...
9 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Matomo integration

Some companies are not allowed to use Google analytics due to legislation. The on premise alternative is Matomo. It would be crucial to have the possibility to choose from both.
9 months ago in Analyze 0 Unreviewed

Allow Typing in Date Fields

It is very time consuming to have to click several times to find dates on a calendar from different months/years. Make it so we can either type in dates or copy/paste dates. It would be SO much faster and easier.
over 1 year ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed

Set System Visibility for Reviewers

By default, Reviewers have visibillty to everyone in the system. It would be great if we could set up rules to limit that to a specific location, for example. If that person also has an Admin role, that visibilty takes precendence, which can lead ...
over 1 year ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 1 Unreviewed

Overwriting course files of the same name are not overwritten with updated version, but should be

After overwriting course files (e.g., pdf, html, etc.) of the same name, they are not overwritten with an updated version of the file, and the LMS continues to serve up the original version, requiring the file name to be changed and reloaded. This...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Compliance Flexibility

- Able to assign different ways - Assume the current year for reassignment - More flexible messaging - Cadence when still in required time frame, and cadence when past due. 2 up notification after a certain time frame
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed