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2nd level of landing pages/tile pages

It would be great if there could be another level of landing pages - like sub-landing pages. For example, if a user clicked on a tile that stated, "communications resources", they would be brought to a second page of tiles with titles such as, "wr...
almost 3 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Filter option for expired courses on ILC courses screen

Would be handy to have the option to add a filter to the ILC course sessions to hide expired courses so it is easier to navigate to current and future courses. Date filter isn't viable when you have reoccurring courses set up so adding this featur...
11 months ago in Core LMS 0

LMS Users API: Add User Management Settings under Users GET & POST functions

LMS Users API : It would be nice to add user management settings under users ‘GET’ function and update User Management Settings with Users 'POST' Upload function.
almost 2 years ago in Integration 0

Feature courses by rating

Under feature course rules, there can be an option to bring top rated courses.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Gathering Interest

Improve ILC with API schedule settings and the ability to repeat sessions

would like to have a ILC which is a one-off for a learner but offer multiple sessions. If I use the recurring class functionality, the learner has to attend all the repeated sessions. There is no shortcut to do this and I need to manually set ever...
almost 2 years ago in RESTful API V1.5 1 Future Consideration

Add Manager field to all reporting

We need to be able to report manager information for our compliance team.
11 months ago in Reporting 0

Logins Widget - show more than 12 months data

Can the logins widget on the dashboard allow more than 12 months to be selected and displayed? The Admin > Setup > Logins report goes back until the beginning of time so surely the widget can match? Or overlay years together e.g. last 5 year...
almost 3 years ago in Administrator Dashboards 1 Future Consideration

Lock and/or Group Objects

Workflow would be dramatically more efficient in Create if individual objects could be grouped and/or locked.
almost 2 years ago in Create 0

Add Wistia to Absorb Create as an External Video Services Option

Currently in Absorb Create, the External Video Services options are Brightcove, Libcast, Vimeo and YouTube. It would be great if Wistia was added as another option for these External Video Services.
almost 3 years ago in Create 0

Mark Complete Column

Having a column showing if someone was marked complete vs actually completing would be great. Ideally, we could even see who marked them complete. We manage several admins and being able to track content being marked complete frequently would help...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration