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Mandatory courses within a Curriculum

When editing an individual course, you have the option to designate it as mandatory. However, when editing a curriculum, you can only set the entire curriculum as mandatory, without the ability to specify which individual courses within it are man...
6 months ago in Curriculum 1

Reviewer Experience - Add a "Past Submissions" log to hold historics

The reviewer experience is missing a KEY area, which is storing the past submissions that reviewer has done - and it should include the full detail of the observation checklist, etc.
3 months ago in Reviewer Experience 0

Add report of all managers and their direct reports

I need to get a list of all managers and their direct reports out of the system, so HR can double check. Simple enough request but only the 'manager' column can be added, there isn't a direct reports column in the users list.
3 months ago in Admin Experience 1

New File Manager: Navigation to the file manager from the menu

We need to access the file manager from the main menu, rather than through the Course Edit page. This was the navigation in the previous iteration of the file manager.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 7 Reviewed

Review option for assessments in course

Option that allows learners to review assessment before submission and after to see which question they got incorrect inside the course vs emailing the answer report individually. I know we can mimic a review somewhat by doing one page and adding ...
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Reviewed

Sync Salesforce Leads as a User

In the current salesforce connector we can only create absorb users from salesforce if they are a contact. We are not able to do this with a salesforce lead. So the only option is to convert them to a contact or manually make the user in Absorb
4 months ago in Salesforce 1 Reviewed

Edit Multiple - Terms and Conditions

Can you add the ability to edit the Terms and Conditions field in multiple courses at once. Its a simple text/link field and the T&Cs link is identical in most of our courses. I shouldn't need to open up every course one by one to make the sam...
18 days ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

Report showing group membership, department and job title for learners

It would be really useful to have access to a report that would show changes that have happened to a learners account that is exportable the history within the user profile only provides some information. I'd like to be able to view when an accoun...
about 1 month ago in Reporting 0

Allow Learners to see who has enrolled in an ILC (in Learner Experience)

It would be great for Learners to see which other Learners have signed up for an ILC that they're interested in. Right now, from the Learner Experience, they can only see how many open seats there are and/or to join the waitlist. They cannot see w...
about 1 month ago in Learner Experience 0

All Features on Mobile App

All feature should be available on the mobile app -- all courses, catalogs, resources, descriptions, leaderboards, messaging, etc.
over 2 years ago in Mobile App 13 Reviewed