Additional Session Confirmation if user changes sessions
(updated/ignore) - Apparently I didn't have on the messages that send updates to this does exist. whoops. When a learner enrolls into an ILC session they get a calendar invite in 2 ways (1-on the registration screen as a button, 2 -...
Add Course Due Date custom message template to online course Message settings
Online courses give you the option to customize enrollment, completion, nudge and failure message templates for learners but not for the course's due date message. It would be helpful to have that option in the course message settings as well.
Enable integration with Userway (accessibility widget)
Please consider ability to integrate Userway widget. We are a business (WeFlex) teaching people to work with people with a disability and would appreciate our own LMS to role model from the front with an accessible system. Thank you.
Ability to add global resources as a course resource
Sometimes we have resources that we want attached to a course but they are also standalone resources. It would be nice to be able to add global resources to a course resource. It would eliminate some version control issues
it would be nice to be able to add a Group filter under the Courses in Curriculum search
I love the ability to see courses in a curriculum or bundle feature. I wonder if under the display columns option if we could somehow be able to see and sort them into the groups they are under? When trying to explain what is in each course, we ne...
Allowing to Department Templates to be duplicated would be helpful to allow all the settings and backgrounds to be transferred and then tweaked when two Departments need to look/function similarly, especially when it comes to hex codes for colors ...
Hi, There is a crucial column missing on the new Lessons Report: CATEGORY. From my legacy lessons, I have duplicates in different Courses. This report should help me locate them. (Attached) Thanks,Rick
about 3 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
Add Column for Learner Message in Message Templates report
The column selections in the Message Templates report include everything but something to show if it's actually "on" for learners (our most important recipients). In other words, the "Send to learner" toggle set to On/Off can't be viewed in bulk i...