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136 VOTE
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Created by Guest
Created on Apr 7, 2022

Add an Overdue Status

Please add an overdue status. This would make filtering as a whole so much easier!

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    • Guest
      Oct 7, 2024

      This platform is in serious need of an overdue course report that reflects all overdue trainings by person and by course. I find it extremely disappointing that a training platform does not have an easily accessible overdue report.

    • Guest
      Feb 21, 2023

      We need a way to see who has assigned learning that has passed the due date. As another individual describes, it's just plain wrong to list someone as "overdue" who has completed the training. I can't imagine this is truly how the function was intended to report but if so, we need a true overdue function asap.

    • Guest
      Jan 23, 2023

      We really need a way to easily see what courses employees have overdue. The days until due doesn't even help as it continues to count even once completed. This system really needs a way to report clearly those that are overdue. This added feature really didn't help, and I am desperate for a solution. I spend HOURS using the "Export All Enrollment Data" report with pivot tables to determine which employees need to be addressed for overdue compliance training.

    • Guest
      Nov 3, 2022

      Any else highly disappointed with the rollout of this feature? I'm actively telling our team members to ignore this new field because it is useless as designed. Even if a course is completed on time, the course will eventually be marked "Overdue" by absorb after the due date passes. This should be marked overdue only if the course is not completed on time. I completely agree with the others who mention if would be far for useful to have the course's status change from "Not Started" or "In Progress" to "Overdue" after the due date has lapsed. As a bonus, I think the logic here isn't totally useless. I'd argue to change the "Is overdue" field to update the status of the course, and change the "Is Overdue" column on the reports to "Completed Late." This way, if a user completes a course that was once overdue, the status of the course will indicate "Completed" and the "Completed Late" column would indicate "Yes."

    • Guest
      Sep 26, 2022

      How do I configure Courses to "trigger" a correct over due status? Will this be retroactive to currently completed courses/curriculums?

    • Guest
      Sep 19, 2022

      Just adding my vote here as well. I appreciate that the field has been added but saying someone is overdue and complete is very confusing.

    • Guest
      Sep 19, 2022

      I agree with Deana - if the course status is Complete, then Is Overdue should not be Yes. It requires multiple filters to determine if a course is truly overdue - like we could do before by filtering if the Days Until Due was negative and the Status was not a Completed status. The new field performs the same way but would be better if it truly only was Yes if the course is not comlete and past the due date.

    • Guest
      Sep 16, 2022

      Hi Paul,

      Is this feature only available in the Admin Refresh or is it also available in A5? I don���t see it available and we���re still in the A5 admin portal.

      Thank you,

      Jeff Harrison
      Manager | Employee Learning and Development
      Grand Canyon Education
      2600 W. Camelback Rd. | Phoenix, AZ | 85017
      602-639-8143 Office
      480-653-0312 Cell

    • Guest
      Sep 16, 2022

      For this filter, completed courses are showing as "yes" for "Is Overdue". This does not help my need to know the overdue courses for all employees. If a course is complete it should show as "No" for "Is Overdue".

    • Guest
      Sep 16, 2022

      Very excited to for this enhancement! Thank you for implementing!

    • Admin
      Paul Gheran
      Sep 16, 2022

      Hello Admins!

      I am happy to let you know that we introduced an "Is Overdue" column with "yes/no" filtering as part of our September 11th release to the following reports:

      • Learner Enrollments

      • Course Enrollments

      • Curricula Activity

      • Course Activity

      We decided to go with this filterable column rather than adjusting an existing enrollment status to 'overdue' because your next question will naturally be "Why, or how did this happen?"

      Removing absent/declined/failed/pending approval/pending proctor and the other meaningful enrollment statuses in favour of just 'overdue' would eliminate a data point that is highly effective in supporting your ability to measure training outcomes, Instructor performance, and target areas of your L&D process for optimization. For these reasons we opted not to transform your data.

      Please continue to provide your feedback in this area, but we are confident this delivers a much easier way to discover these enrollments without date fiddling, and retains data critical to the improvement initiatives of your Learning organization.

      Thank you to everyone who contributed, we look forward to delivering on your other requests.

    • Admin
      Pamela Easterbrook
      Apr 14, 2022

      Hi Alyssa,

      Thank you so much for the extra detail. We can look in to where we can reasonable make improvements this year in this regard.

      I apprecaite the extra context around use case it's always helpful.


    • Guest
      Apr 14, 2022

      Hi Pamela,

      I see this as impacting the user experience on transcripts, admin experience on filters and reporting, and Analyze.

      From the user perspective, right now there is not an indicator of overdue without entering the course. With Expiry Date, the content expires following the set date. We use Due Date because even if they did not complete it in time, we still want them to complete but be able to report that it is past due.

      Right now, if we want overdue, we need an extra column filtering days until due as a workaround. When exporting the data, it adds an extra step to summarize Complete, In Progress, and then those who are overdue since we have to do a formula. Also, in Analyze, it causes workarounds in a similar way. Instead of running a quick pivot table. We need to add filters and formulas. Similar to Gregg, we have had this in our past LMS systems and current internal system and a large amount of our reports and manual reminders are sent based on this filed.

      Ideally, it would be added as an additional option under any of the status fields (ie curriculum/course status).

      Also, even when a course is completed, the days until due reflects a negative number. This then requires two filters (one on days until due and another on status) to see who is truly over due. Once a course goes beyond the due date, I would expect the status to move to Overdue to easily identify that they are behind on the course and then once they complete, it would then reflect complete. I have attached a screenshot of the completed past due.

      I've attached two additional images from analyze. One is a view of the table we use. The other is the formula. If overdue was a status, no formula would be necessary.


    • Guest
      Apr 14, 2022

      Yes, please! This is such an obvious status to have in my opinion. I understand that the Days Until Due column is Absorb's way of having this status, but it is confusing because it continues to count even after a user has completed the course/curriculum. Most of our admins don't care how many days left or past due a user is, they just simply want to know if they're past due.

    • Guest
      Apr 14, 2022

      Every LMS I have ever encountered has an overdue status. We shouldn't have to use Days Until Due is less than zero as a workarouund!

    • Guest
      Apr 14, 2022

      Im curious too. Im wondering how different your ask is from using a Days Until Due <0 filter on the course activity?

    • Admin
      Pamela Easterbrook
      Apr 13, 2022

      Hi Alyssa,

      Can you tell us where you would want to see the overdue status? I assume this is for reporting? Can you elaborate on where this would be useful?


    • Guest
      Apr 7, 2022

      This would be very useful

    68 MERGED

    Overdue Course Report

    I need a quick, clean, and easy way to run a report to show me all overdue courses for all active users. The overdue and nudge emails are not enough to ensure that all users complete their assignments. With my previous LMS, I had an report auto se...
    about 3 years ago in Reporting 3 Currently Available