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Better Waitlist

Provide Admins the ability to pull reports on, customize, and control the waitlist based on their needs.

The current waitlist functionality is not feasible for any Admin. Here's why:

  1. The system deletes the waitlist once an ILC session starts. This makes reporting of waitlisted learners for a particular course impossible.

  2. Admins cannot set a limit on waitlist seats; it's defaulted to the number of available seats for each ILC. Example: If you have 30 seats for an ILC that are full, the waitlist will allow up to 30 people. This makes no sense to have that many waitlisted seats available and it wastes learners' time hoping to get into a class.

  3. If you disable a waitlist, the system automatically enrolls all waitlisted individuals into an ILC. This should not happen as all waitlist functionality should be overruled by the ILC course and session settings. We have had 2 courses that have run into issues because of this even though the course and session settings were set to have a maximum number of seats. What this tells me is that programmatically, the system itself is not abiding by its own rules where the course and session settings should be the highest level on the operating hierarchy.

Overall, the waitlist functionality in Absorb is one of the worst ones I've ever had to work with. There is no Admin capability built into it. It almost seems better to not even have a waitlist.

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    • Guest
      Nov 13, 2024

      Further to "1. The system deletes the waitlist once an ILC session starts. This makes reporting of waitlisted learners for a particular course impossible":

      It is important to be able to see previous waitlisted users because:

      a) in conjunction with the users that were successfully enrolled, it helps us understand likely demand for courses that we may wish to plan for in the future.

      b) we would like to be able to prioritise those users that had joined the waitlist previously and contact them to let them know when a new session is available. If the data on waitlisted users is no longer available, this will be impossible and they may again miss out on a place for the future sessions.