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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 28, 2021
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit LMS-I-1215 Increase the Notes character limit from the standard 255 characters..

Increased character limit for 'edit user' notes

If possible, it could be helpful to be able to increase the character limit in the notes section under 'edit user'. My organisation doesn't have a separate CRM so it would be great to be able to keep detailed notes of the team's interactions with each learner. Currently with the 255 character limit, I have to delete previous notes to make space for any new ones. Perhaps I'm using the wrong box?

  • Guest
    Dec 19, 2022

    We track when users request to be re-enrolled in courses in their notes and 255 characters is not enough for our frequest offenders.

  • Guest
    May 24, 2022

    The increased capacity of the Notes field to match the one in the Courses page will help us keep track on the progress with each client as 255 character limit is too low. We already have notes from our previous CRM that we would like to import and append as we continue helping our clients. The capacity increase is urgently needed for our operation. Thank you for your support.

  • Guest
    May 24, 2022

    I am on board with this as well. We keep detailed notes of conversations with users/clients in our old platform that are valuable for reference. The 255 character limit is a real limitation. As a comparison, the Notes field in the Course page is capable of recording many more characters in it. Up to 28 pages of notes in fact. Is there a way to set the back-end system to allow the same character limits for the Notes in Users page as the one in the Course page? Thanks

  • Guest
    Mar 31, 2022

    Absolutely agree. Before the Admin Refresh, the old LMS (A5?) had no character limit. While my company doesn't keep extensive user notes, a 255 character limit, for us, is basically non-functional. It's way fewer characters than the number of characters the default size of the notes field itself can hold, which is odd. To give everyone an idea of just how few characters are allowed, this message is 435 characters (spaces included).

  • Guest
    Feb 1, 2022

    We used to keep track of course purchases and account changes and renewals in the Notes field. Along with the fact that we can no longer see most account changes in the User History since the switch to Admin Refresh, the restriction applied to the size of the Notes field has crippled our ability to track changes to user profiles over time.