This would be very beneficial. We have a large volume of training that is completed offline due to our delegates not having access/infrastructure to login and complete via the platform. The ability to track this and then upload in bulk would be useful - the current solution would be too manual and open to error/mistakes.
Having the ability to bulk upload for access to courses, enrolling users and marking completion would save us hours of time.
Having the ability to bulk upload for access to courses, enrolling users and marking completion would save us hours of time.
This would be very beneficial. We have a large volume of training that is completed offline due to our delegates not having access/infrastructure to login and complete via the platform. The ability to track this and then upload in bulk would be useful - the current solution would be too manual and open to error/mistakes.
And allowing an option for update existing users AND don't add anyone that isn't already here!
To add to this, it would also be useful to bulk upload courses, or changes to courses (like course names).