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My votes: Banners

Showing 3

Banners for announcements on home screen

We would like the ability to add banners for special announcements on the LMS home screen. Our previous LMS who Absorb purchased, Torch, had this feature. We were able to customize the message, select which users or groups could see it and put a t...
about 3 years ago in Banners / Engage 1 Unreviewed

Engage Banner: Click count

Would be nice to be able to track how many times a banner has been clicked
over 2 years ago in Banners / Engage 0 Unreviewed

Create a login pop-up for user acknowledgement at login.

We need a pop-up to get our users to acknowledge that they are about to see proprietary information and they may not bring it outside the company.
3 months ago in Banners 0 Unreviewed