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Admin Experience

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219 VOTE

Impersonate Admin

The ability to impersonate an Administrator would enable the following: -Review admin settings -Review admin visibility -Troubleshoot admin issues
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 7 Currently Available
182 VOTE

Organizational Structure/Hierarchy

It would be nice to be able to view an organizational chart to make sure all of your managers and departments are set up correctly. For instance being able to view an interactive tree diagram.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 20 Currently Available

Expand Options for Groups Auto Enrollment

Currently, the options to auto-enroll users into groups are somewhat limited—there are standard fields or designations that might be used but are unavailable for group auto-enrollment. For example, my company would love to auto-enroll users into a...
about 2 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Apply Variable Pricing to REPURCHASE option

Variable pricing needs to be available when a learner is REPURCHASING a course. Otherwise, we have to overcharge some groups, and undercharge others. It means we may lose revenue.
28 days ago in Admin Experience / eCommerce 1 Reviewed
168 VOTE

Allow for "Department 'Is Not'" Enrollment Rule

When creating an enrollment rule for Courses or Groups, Absorb only allows you to use Departments is "Is Only" or "And sub-departments of" logic. I would like to be able to exclude a department by setting it to "Department" "is not", and then sele...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 25 Low Probability of Delivery

Ability to Archive inactive Courses from Admin reports views

When accessing as an Admin to the course reports, I would like to have the ability to remove the courses we have archived from the default view. Similar to an email inbox where you move emails into folders and they are not visible anymore into the...
about 2 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed
207 VOTE

Add an audit trail report for system admins

An audit trail report would be a list of important admin activities that could show things like changes to completion status or enrollment activities. In its simplest version, it would show the action, who performed it, and when. We are in a heavi...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 15 Under Consideration

Course Summary Report missing "Created By" field

Course Summary Report is missing the "Created By" field. Please add it to the dropdown of available fields. Thanks,Rick Kerner
about 1 month ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Create a better search bar in AE

You can really only search within filters. There should be a search bar you can type in part of a users email and any users should be able to pop up
about 1 month ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Bulk import questions to question bank

I have an extensive set of questions that I would like to input into Absorb, but doing so individually is going to be prohibitively costly in terms of time. Having the ability to bulk upload different types of questions, along with feedback for an...
about 1 month ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed