Add New User - Send new user email / Date Hired fields
When I create new users, I have to manually untick the 'Send new user email' field and fill in the date hired start date. Can you give admins the ability to switch the default value of 'Send new user email' to off and populate the date hired value...
Can you add a setting to the assessment learning object to not use two decimal places in the learner score in message titles. for example in the green, post message you can get 'You have scored 100.00%' displayed in the message title and in the re...
Add Spreadsheet Import Support for Enrollments and Groups
Currently, the only way to add an existing user for a course Enrollment, or to add a user to a Group, is manually, one at a time. Please add Spreadsheet import support for Enrollments and Groups to dramatically reduce Admin administrative burden.
We would like a feature to be added in the automatic enrollment rules so that we can automatically re-enroll users on a recurring schedule. For example, we have many trainings that must be retaken every year on January 1st, but currently, we don't...
Link to an Observation Checklist from the Employee Transcript
Reduces the number of steps it takes to view where we store our historical records and audits. One click on an the observation checklist It will increase productivity for training coordinators, trainers, HR and management instead of searching in t...
Admin Dashboard Widget Logins Filter By Department
I would like to be able to filter Logins on admin dashboards by department so that each department sees logins based on just their team, not the entire org.
It would be great, if we can have a separate permission for the Password reset. Currently, if I would like to give anyone password reset access, I need to give them Edit user access and that's not an ideal solutions because user can have data visi...
When I navigate to Courses > Courses > select a course > click edit - it defaults to have the 1st 2 sections selected. I want an easy way to turn ALL on, today I have to click each one. Ideally we have a 1-click button to enable all.
In the department view it will show you how many users, learners and admins you have for each department. When selected, I can edit the department, message or view the users. But I can't see the group of people who are Admin for the department.
Add Course Type field to learner enrollments table
In the Learner Enrollments report there are limited fields available to add. Very helpful would be to have Course Type - as we differentiate significantly between Curriculum and ILT, Online Course, etc. Being able to filter by type is a great idea!