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Admin Experience

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Send reminders X number of days before an ILC

Right now, we're able to send reminders every X days after an enrollment in a future ILC (e.g. send a reminder every 7 days until the ILC begins, whether that ILC starts in 4 months or in 4 days). We need to be able to send reminders X number of d...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses 3

Do not allow nudge setting Nudge every with a number but max nudges of 0

Today, per the support article, when max nudges is 0, no nudges will be sent. It is confusing when you can save a Course with Nudge every 7 days and max nudges of 0. An Admin might think that this is infinite max nudges and not that "no nudges" wi...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2

Mobile Enabled Indicator

In our previous system, courses that were mobile enabled displayed a little apple icon, indicating to the user that the course could be played on a mobile device. Since we largely have to use the mobile web browser due to app limitations, having s...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Mobile App 1 Reviewed

add capability for alt text descriptions to all images uploaded to the LMS

Please implement alt text for all images that can be uploaded to the LMS according to WCAG 1.1 I assume Absorb LMS has not implemented this WCAG item for LMS images based on t...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 0

Add Notes to Availability Rules

Adding the ability to select "Notes" and "Contains" to the Availability Rules for Courses, Resources, Etc. would allow for better custom management of access.
6 months ago in Admin Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Admin Experience - Re-assign Setup Template

When setting up a new template for dashboards, you must assign the template to the department that will use it. This is troublesome because it provides no buffer to test this template prior to assigning. It would be incredibly helpful to be able t...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 0 Reviewed

Progress completion bar on transcript

Add a progress completion bar on the course transcript for a quick and easy view of learner completion. Ideally the admin/manager would see a color coded progress bar for a quick visual on the learner completion on each course (i.e. it would be gr...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Manager Experience 3 Reviewed

Assign templates

It would be great to assign templates to groups or individuals rather than just departments. This would be extremely helpful for things like onboarding so newhires have a simpler view of what's mandatory for onboarding then production staff have a...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0

User Transcript with Certificates as one PDF

Essentially from within the User’s profile, the options are currently transcripts or reports, but none with an export function including the certificates all in one PDF. Can be named "Print Transcript with Certificates" I understand this would mak...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Improved interface navigation for content reviewers in Absorb Create

We request a more efficient and user-friendly way for users with review permissions in Absorb Create (access to comment but not with a Create license) to access the content they need to review. Currently, these users can only access the content vi...
7 months ago in Admin Experience / Create 1