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Learner Experience

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Language Dropdown

Hi there, It would be wonderful to see an "available languages" dropdown on the Learner Experience side. Use case and example: In the event we provide a course in multiple languages, the dropdown would be available for the learner to select the la...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience / Online Courses 2

Shared Lesson Completion

If a lesson is shared between multiple courses, when a user completes that lesson in one course, it should be marked as complete in the other courses as well. Since the lesson is shared and the content is the same, users shouldn't need to redo the...
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience / Online Courses / Reporting / Third Party Lessons 2 Future Consideration

Change button color to darker or different blue when "Enroll" is clicked and becomes "Start."

When working through courses, after clicking "enroll" the text changes to "Start". When the course is completed, the word changes to "Completed" and the button changes to light green. It would be very nice to have the "Start" button be a different...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 1 Gathering Interest

Advanced Filtering for Courses - By Language

I don't see any way to search the catalog for courses in a specific language (on the learner side). Existing Advanced Filtering options of Tags, Venue Location, Venue Type, and Vendor don't cover language needs. I realize that I could use the Tags...
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 2 Gathering Interest

AI tutor for learners with comprehension questions

An AI tutor whose knowledge base can encompass specific content resources (such as reference books) that can serve as an AI academic or skills coach to answer learner questions, clarify concepts, restate or summarize, or generate questions to test...
about 2 months ago in Learner Experience / Machine Learning 0

Meta badges!

Meta badges! If you gain these three competencies you unlock this competency that represents all of the. If you want gamification thats how you get it! then they have something even higher to work towards an a cool exclusive badge that other peopl...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Gathering Interest

FAQ Categories or Sections

Allow capability to create Sections or Categories of FAQs so learners can more easily find the questions they need.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 3

Certificate Date should be customizable

Majority of the certificates have information of date completed as "Completed on the n'th day of Month Year". Have the ability to make the Acquired Date in that format.
6 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Due date tiles

Tiles that allow you to see mandatory courses that have upcoming due dates, past due dates, or still have at least 30 days until due date. These tiles should have a color code option as well. Red for past due, yellow for upcoming, and green for 30...
11 months ago in Learner Experience 1 Gathering Interest

Outlook Calendar Sync

I wish there was a way to utilize the calendar tile more, like syncing outlook. This way, any mandatory courses can automatically go on their outlook calendar. Also, allow the learner to add a course they enrolled in to their outlook calendar.
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0