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Learner Experience

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Learner progress bar on Learner Dashboard

Learners are being tasked with achieving 100% completion of mandatory courses. Currently the only method for them to be aware of their completion progress is by viewing the list of courses to see if any remain. The proposal would be to have a wid...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

New Course notification (message template)

We are trying to find better ways to promote courses that have been added to our LMS. Having the course mentioned in an HR update on our intranet or other internal publications is reliant on the employee taking the time to read these items. Can we...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Set the Compact View as the default view for learners

Absorb recently changed the view of the learner dashboard. When courses are launched, they are viewed in default view which is very small. Please let me know if this can be changed to the compact view. I have many customers that can seem to figure...
about 1 year ago in Learner Experience 1

Course Upload add to External Training on Transcript

Make a check on the Course upload to carry the certificate or document onto the Transcript through the External Training upload. For example MSHA training I need staff to download a pdf sign it off and upload it to the course to complete the cours...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 2

Preview the global resource before choosing to download

When you click on a global resource, it automatically downloads. From a user perspective, they may just be checking out WHAT the document is and may find that it's not what they're looking for. Additionally, it seems that a lot of people miss that...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 1

multiple payment options per department

We are setting up a number of new projects using the Absorb platform with e-commerce, which will require us to have different payment options within the same platform for our user groups. This is not currently an option so all users only have acce...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Side or bottom panel for note taking by learner

I think giving the learner a side window panel within the training itself to be able to take notes on would be valuable. Then at the end of the training, giving them the option to download and/or print those notes. In group training collaborating ...
about 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Enrollment button for curriculum is hard to find, move it or make it clear they need to enrol to both curriculum AND course

Today, the most common "help" request I get as admin is that users can't enroll in courses in a curriculum. The only reason for that is that they have not enrolled in the curriculum. If the enrollment button was more user-friendly (today it looks ...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 4 Reviewed

Competency Level badges

We would like to be able to assign unique badges for the different competency levels awarded.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Ability to order how courses/curriculums appear under the "My Courses" window

This option is available for FAQs and Billboards where we can set the order on how the items appear on the page. We should also have this option so we can arrange our courses/curriculums to appear in a certain order.
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0