Allow User to Cancel Session After Enrollment End Date
For my ILCs, I close the enrollment two weeks before the class starts. I just had a user that wanted to cancel the session, but the Cancel Session button was unavailable because the course enrollment window was closed. I changed the End Enrollment...
Many cart abandonment issues can be attributed to unclear directions at the checkout page. The system does not sufficiently notify the learner that the process isn't completed until the phone number is entered, and they press the "complete transac...
Need a confirmation button or message once a student enrolls into an ILT.
After the student enrolls into an ILT session, they just log off. There's always confusion if they successfully enrolled or not. Can we have a confirmation message or button to appear?
The translations feature is great. However, there is not an easy way to know what the ID/key is tied to. For example, I have 3 translations (ID: 59367, 39266, 766) with the value "Launch," and two additional translations (ID: 822 & 67879) with...
Restrict Resources within Course (Availability Rules) Resource Available After Completion
Ability to add availability rules/restrictions to who can access what resources within a course/ curriculum. This should include only making the resource available after the person has completed the course/ curriculum. For example, we have tried a...
Cannot link to a specific course unless the learner has accessed the SSO already that day. The course link directs learners to the dashboard instead of the specific course. Looking for a way to by-pass that SSO.
Allow users to fast forward through videos they have already completed
When scrolling or fast fowarding through videos is restricted to force learners to go through the entire video...once they complete the entire video, they should be able to come back and fast foward through it the next time. Currently, once they c...