The translations feature is great. However, there is not an easy way to know what the ID/key is tied to. For example, I have 3 translations (ID: 59367, 39266, 766) with the value "Launch," and two additional translations (ID: 822 & 67879) with...
Disable or allow more control of the "Find Related Courses" button
When a user clicks on a badge or competency within a course (or on the Transcript), they are taken to a page that runs a search of the competency to show other courses that also offer the same competency - or it would seem. Because most competenci...
Restrict Resources within Course (Availability Rules) Resource Available After Completion
Ability to add availability rules/restrictions to who can access what resources within a course/ curriculum. This should include only making the resource available after the person has completed the course/ curriculum. For example, we have tried a...
There is no option go back to the previous page when you are on Curriculum Detail page however, when you are within a sub-category, you do see an option to go back to the previous page.
Enable the edit of re enrollment emails to say that the mandatory course is about to expiry instead of that the employee has been re enrolled as this could be confusing for individuals.
Allow users to fast forward through videos they have already completed
When scrolling or fast fowarding through videos is restricted to force learners to go through the entire video...once they complete the entire video, they should be able to come back and fast foward through it the next time. Currently, once they c...
The LMS "list view" on the MY COURSES tile should show due dates for each course next to the start button to make it easier for mobile phone users. So they don't have to start the course to see the due date.
Ability to create 'course uploads' function on a curriculum instead of within a course
You should be able to add the course uploads function to the external curriculum area, as once a user has completed say 3 courses, they can then download a word document to fill in an essay and then reupload it into that curriculum instead of hidd...
System Admin edit parent template no matter their department
Currently if someone in the Marketing department wants to edit the template for the Learner Experience I have to take them out of the Marketing department, put them in the parent department, and then put them back when they're done editing. If som...