It would be nice if we could add conditional formatting (like color or other font adjustments) to Analyze dashboards. For example, if a course is not completed and is past due, it would be nice to have that display in red, or bold it, etc.
Ability to Pick Multiple Departments for Groups or Filters
When setting up groups or filters using the Department popup window you are restricted to selecting one Department at a time. If you need to add many departments to a group, this creates a time consuming repetitive process of adding a new rule and...
I would love to see a data table where we can pull the search analytics. I use the search analytics under settings to assess if people are finding what they need and to review common words or phrases. It would be awesome to create views of this da...
More Effective Dashboard Sharing Options in Analyze
Having additional options to filter and share the dashboard would be incredibly helpful. Right now the sharing options are selecting 1 by 1, which is not manageable for 1000 users or by sharing with everyone. We would need filters by department, g...
It would be great to have an option to export a report for question banks that contain the questions and answers so that it is easier to review. Currently an admin would have to go through each bank and question individually, and if multiple peopl...
There is currently an admin notes field in the More area of course creation. It would be very helpful if that field could be added to the display and exported for reporting.
If a lesson is shared between multiple courses, when a user completes that lesson in one course, it should be marked as complete in the other courses as well. Since the lesson is shared and the content is the same, users shouldn't need to redo the...
Add "Mandatory" as an available display column on the User Enrollment report
It would be helpful to be able to filter the User Enrollment report for just "Mandatory" courses. We use this flag to mark requirements so they are distinquished from elective or self-enrollments. Mandatory isn't an available column once you go in...
For checklists that might have happened on paper or outside the system, allow the admin to mark as complete to remove the learner from "Ready to Review". Additionally allow to over ride completion date for a checklist to properly reflect completions.
Add "Not Enrolled" reporting option for curricula, courses, and sessions.
Currently, Analyze is only reporting on active enrollments. We would like to report on users who are not enrolled in a course. For example, if a user is enrolled in a curriculum, we would like to see the user's status of all courses within that cu...