Currently, Analyze is only reporting on active enrollments. We would like to report on users who are not enrolled in a course. For example, if a user is enrolled in a curriculum, we would like to see the user's status of all courses within that curriculum, whether or not they have enrolled yet into the courses.
Hello Everyone,
We now have 2 models in place to enable reporting on the absence of data for course enrollments or course enrollments within a curricula, these modes are called:
Course Enroll Exception
Curric Enroll Exception
We heard the term "Exceptions Reporting" this week and had no idea what it meant. This is an absolute need for our business as well. We need to report on users who are assigned to a particular curricula but not enrolled.
No problem, I know it's confusing but I did want to make sure we were clear from a product perspective. :)
Thanks for your input.
Awesome, thanks Pamela! Exceptions I know the lingo!
Hi Matthew,
For the benefit of anyone reading this I just need to correct terminology, it is not true that Analyze only reports on active enrollment since it also reports on historic enrollments and deleted enrollments.
What you have identified that it does not report on exceptions i.e. 'what has a person 'not' done', 'who isn't enrolled'. The term for this is exceptions reporting and we have not built any data models that look at this view.
We are considering it though and so we can add this as a vote for that to happen.
We will update this post if and when we know that this can be scheduled.
Thank you for the feedback.