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Be able to track when/how often someone last logged into the admin side

Similar to being able to see when someone last logged into the learner side of Absorb, we would like to be able to tell when someone last logged into the admin side. It would be helpful of us to know how many of our admins are fishing for themselves.
over 1 year ago in Analyze 1

Course Evaluations report needs more detail

Currently in the Course Evaluations report you can only choose from the following data: Date Added Department First Name Id Last Name Question Rating Session Name Text It would be great if we could choose from the normal options that we get in oth...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0

Put Edit Activity back into the My Activity Widget

The Admin's "My Activity" widget used to show courses I had recently created or worked on. They also contained a quick link to that course so I could quickly return to my work. It's gone. Please put back my Created and Edited activities into the "...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 4 Reviewed

Course attendance should count inactive users

Record keeping is important for us as our data is reported to the public. Ideally, we would like to use the LMS as a tool for record keeping in terms of course attendance. However, once a user on our LMS is deactivated, their course records "disap...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 4 Reviewed

Add Manager's Email to Reporting

Would it be possible to add the manager's email address as a display option in all course and curriculum reports? This would allow a user to get the data as a downloaded spreadsheet and be able to see the manager's email address, which could enhan...
3 months ago in Reporting 0

All reports should have the same display column options

External Training should allow to display "user status" to hide terminated employees. All reports should have the display column: "supervisior", "location", and "user Status" to filter better for customers and departments in multiple states/locati...
almost 2 years ago in Reporting 2

Expand API Reach

We are building out an incredible amount of APIs and the extent of their data and use is very limited. For example, User Data is only their user profile. We need access to actual user data (e.g. logins)! In addition, credits and competencies. Grea...
over 2 years ago in Integration / Reporting / RESTful API V1.5 1

Display the number of active users on the dashboard

To be able to see all the active users via a widget in the admin dashboard without having to go the users report.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Administrator Dashboards 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Scheduled Reports only generate is there is new onformation added

Instead of receiving scheduled reports every day, regardless of new information, you only recieve them when there IS new information. Then you know when you need to review them.
almost 2 years ago in Reporting 6 Reviewed

Reporting -- Sort and Filter Capability

Please add advanced sort and multi-item field filtering capability to reports.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 3 Reviewed