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Add Version Number to Course and Curricula Activity Reports

I would like to be able to display which version of the course a learner completed in Course and Curricula Activity Reports. I know this used to be available in the Courses report, but I don't see it as an option to add anymore. This is incredibly...
about 3 years ago in Curriculum / Online Courses / Reporting 5 Currently Available

External training form

To whom it may concern. Please consider these suggestion to upgrage the external training form : 1) Have the ability to enter a starting and ending dates, for training done on multiple days. 2) For the "Total time spent (hours), remove the arrow (...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 1 Gathering Interest

Make FAQs available in the "hamburger" drop down menu

We are trying to make our dashboard clean and less busy. Although it is important for our Learners to have access to FAQs, regular access is not necessary. So we would like to remove the FAQs tile. It seems that currently, FAQs can only be accesse...
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 2 Currently Available


- Able to pull a report across multiple courses or categories - Flexible dashboards - Better slice and dice across organizations
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Currently Available

Ability to set default position of LE player control

The new LE player bar appears in the bottom right of the window when a user opens a SCORM learning object. We use Articulate Storyline packages with next/previous buttons, also in the bottom right. Although they don't overlap, the player bar does ...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Update curricula due dates

Just like the ability to change and existing due dates for individual courses, that functionality should also be available for the curricula.
9 months ago in Curriculum 1 Future Consideration

Include External Training submission as course object and in curriculum

We'd like to be able to have the external training submission form as a course object and available in curriculums. Some courses we have require learners to complete an external training as part of it, and it would be a much better user experience...
about 2 years ago in Learner Experience 1

Courses should have the ability to automatically move from one menu item to the next upon completion.

Currently, the viewer does not have a good learning experience: When using a full screen mode, the viewer need to complete the video, leave full-screen mode, click on each menu item to move through our courses, and then click on the next item. thi...
9 months ago in Online Courses 1

Enrollment Rules - duplicate or an OR function

When building out an enrollment rules, the ability to duplicate the rule or have an OR rule to simplify the rule is a necessity. If I need to create a rule that says when job title = Host and Location equals 1234 but, I have 20 locations that need...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Gathering Interest

Login Report should allow a filter to show Admin and Manager Experience logins

Currently the Login Report only shows logins to the Learner Experience. I would like to be able to see who is logging into our Admin Experience and Manager Experience. This would give us a better understanding about who is using which Experience.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0