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Enrollment Rules - duplicate or an OR function

When building out an enrollment rules, the ability to duplicate the rule or have an OR rule to simplify the rule is a necessity. If I need to create a rule that says when job title = Host and Location equals 1234 but, I have 20 locations that need this, I need to build this rule 20 times. Or, I could say, when job title = host and Location = 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, etc...

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    • Guest
      Dec 9, 2022

      My previous LMS (Cornerstone) allowed you to put multiple criteria in one field. For example, if you have 20 locations, instead of entering 20 rules, you add 1 rule and say "Location" "Equals" and then you list each location separated by a comma. We could do this for literally every field and it made report building very quick and easy.