Improve learner experience and navigation by adding back button on Transcript, Inbox and FAQ
If I navigate to the Transcript, Inbox, or FAQ page from the dashboard, there is no “back” button to take me back to the dashboard. I know there are other ways to get to it but an in your face type button would be a better experience.
Add a column in "Courses" that shows the Group the course is linked to in a Curriculum
When you search your list of courses is there an option to add a Group Column and it can show you the Group in the Curriculum that the course is linked to?
If possible, it could be helpful to be able to increase the character limit in the notes section under 'edit user'. My organisation doesn't have a separate CRM so it would be great to be able to keep detailed notes of the team's interactions with ...
Allow resource files to keep their original filename when uploading new copies
When you upload a file that already exists in the Global Resources area it amends the new filename with a '(1)'. Can it keep the same filename as previously used? I've updated a resource document and now also need to update my help guides that wer...
We would like the ability to update the certificate of completion dates. For example, we have a curriculum that includes an ILT and an Evaluation. The certificate of completion is attached to the curriculum. Learners can enroll in the ILT inside t...
My idea is related some to this one Featured courses can only appear on the dashboard as a ribbon (that I can see). I was looking for a way to create a tile, or a billboard to take people to a select gro...
When you want to indicate a category for a course, you can look up a category by name. It then appears but without the associated parent categories. We often have the same category names under other parent categories, which makes it very cumbersom...
It seems that all courses' due dates and email notification recurrences will include the weekends. Since the office is closed and employees are not expected to take courses on the weekend it would be great if the LMS excluded weekends in the calcu...
Add SCORM results output to SCORM learning object Preview
Previewing a SCORM package lets you check if it works correctly as a lesson object. But it does not let you check if the results are submitted as intended. For this you need to enroll and complete the course as a learner. Who will benefit? Every s...