External Training Template - Time Field display in parenthesis in hours
In the external training template fields on the admin side, next to Total Time Spent is has (in hours). Can the (in hours) be displayed on the learner side so they know how to enter the duration.
Please enable Observation Checklists on Mobile App This will improve on the job accessibility for workers in "hands-on" positions i.e. medical assistants, quick serve restaurant staff, mechanics, warehouse/logistics laborers
ILC Session: recurring dates should allow multiple days in one week or variable days month.
We have trainings that are held on a different days within a week or multiple varying days throughout the month. Staff are not able to get a calendar reminder to mark off the days as the system does not allow for this. WE currently have to just no...
Manager Experience should be accessible from Learner Experience
The fact that currently the new Manager Experience is only accessible via the Admin UI created some unnecessary clicks and adds complexity for managers wanting to access the ME. If a user is designated with a manager role, there should be a way to...
The capability to assign a course category to multiple courses would be a massive time saver. Currently, you have to go into each course and append or change the course category. When you have a large course catalogue, this becomes very time-consu...
It is redundant to repeat the report categories for each item in the pinned reports list. What I care about as an Admin is the custom title of the report, which is fairly small and unemphasized. We should have one header per report category (User,...
Ability to tag a course as NEW that would show in corner on the Course IMage
It is nice that there is a featured ribbon to feature courses but it would be great to highlight NEW content with a tag or label on the top corner like attached!
Not sure if this already exists but I don't see this when I'm enrolling a lot of users. Can we get a functionality where we can just simply upload a CSV (or any format suitable) file containing user details that makes mass enrollment to a course/c...
about 3 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
When a course evaluation is requested the learner still needs to go to the course and this often gets forgotten. Would be great if the learner would receive a notification after completing the online course or after the ILC session is over with a ...
Manage course administrators separately from user management
Currently the course visibility for admins is based on which group or department the admins are managing. However, there are cases where an admin has user management rights for users but should not be able to manage a certain course for them. Exam...