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Core LMS

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A User Friendly FAQ Page for the Learner

It would be nice if the LMS would allow the admin to create an FAQ page in which the learners would be able to access and find information about specific topics or commonly asked questions. The FAQ page would be accessible to all of our company's ...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Currently Available

Default Items Per Page Increased

It would be great to customize the default # of items that are shown per page. In most scenarios, I need to increase to more than 20.
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

add Credits (CPD) to Manager Experience Dashboard

Our staff must complete a certain amount of credits (CPD) or learning hours each financial year. It would be helpful for Managers to be able to view the total Credit balance for relevant period for each of their direct reports including credits fr...
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 3 Currently Available

Edit Existing Groups

When employees have role changes, it would be helpful to move them into different Groups. This is different than Departments. For example, we have a Group for Supervisors. Sometimes, an employee is no longer a Supervisor, so we would want to remov...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Bring back the ability to select main folders for coures when enrolling users

Before the Admin Experience update. Admins were able to select the main folders for courses which would then in turn select all of the folder contents as well. This no longer occurs, please bring back this ability.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Unenrollment button for users

Our users have asked us for a way to unenroll from self paced courses that they don't intend to finish. As of now they need to email us and have us unenroll them on the back end. We aren't charging for our courses, so it seems like they should be ...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 2 Currently Available

Edit button under Actions

Hello, Somethings went away with this new update that's created extra steps when running reports or editing course sessions. Can we please have the Edit button under Actions in the Reports back please. This gave the option of editing the session r...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Groups or Sections of a Course

Allow multiple groups of learners within the same course. These groups could interact with each other, message each other, collaborate within their groups. Instructor could send message to individual group. Option for groups to see other groups bu...
over 2 years ago in Online Courses 1 Currently Available

Option to remove the "Catalogue" heading from front page

There currently isn't an option to remove the Catalogue heading on the homepage - would love to be able to change or remove it.
almost 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Currently Available

Inlcude Titel Option

while entering a new user the option fo include a titel would be great
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Currently Available