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Core LMS

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Observation Checklists | Add Employee Acknowledgement

The observation checklist is a great tool to document OJT and similar events. I wish there was a way to require an eSignature or similar review for employees to acknowledge the review they received before submitting. It would allow for better prot...
over 3 years ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 6 Under Consideration

Ability to tag a course as NEW that would show in corner on the Course IMage

It is nice that there is a featured ribbon to feature courses but it would be great to highlight NEW content with a tag or label on the top corner like attached!
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 9 Reviewed

Add tags/fields to Lessons for metadata

We would like to be able to associate tags/metadata to lessons. This will help with the LMS search to return specific lessons (instead of only based on course tags). We also have some integrations running that pull courses & lessons and today ...
4 months ago in Learner Experience / Object Lessons 0

Allow Custom Sort Order in Catalog/My Courses section

Allow clients to apply a custom sorting method to the catalog and my courses pages to help highlight and give visibility to courses without using mandatory or featured settings.
7 months ago in Learner Experience 4 Reviewed

Add a feature that allows you to automatically enroll users into ILC sessions when enrolled or self-enrolled into a curriculum

We run curriculums that are a hybrid of online courses and instructor-led sessions. When enrollment occurs into a curriculum, it would be fantastic to have a feature where learners could be automatically enrolled into sessions that live within the...
over 1 year ago in Curriculum 3 Reviewed

Manager Experience should be accessible from Learner Experience

The fact that currently the new Manager Experience is only accessible via the Admin UI created some unnecessary clicks and adds complexity for managers wanting to access the ME. If a user is designated with a manager role, there should be a way to...
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 5 Currently Available

More possibilities using Survey

It would be very beneficial if the surveys on Absorb would allow for additional question formats. For example, a table format (to avoid having to create a separate question for each row): 1. How well did this online course fulfil each learning obj...
5 months ago in Survey Lessons 0

Course Description- show more

The course description view is VERY limited by default. We rely on customers to click the arrow to view the majority of the course description. Could Absorb: Allow the default view to be larger? Allow us to customize the size of the default view? ...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 10 Currently Available

Be able to forward slides with a remote clicker during a live presentation.

When you are presenting live with Absorb, you cannot advance slides with a remote clicker. You have to hit advance by standing at your laptop. This is very inconvenient.
27 days ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Identify & Merge Duplicate Course

If a course is converted from the Max library more than once, it would be great if the system would flag it somehow so that we can either delete it or merge the records.
about 1 month ago in Online Courses 1