Many of our users have "dummy" corporate email addresses which don't actually receive email, but are used for our single sign-on function, so that is the email that needs to appear in Absorb's email field. Each user also has a separate email that ...
Add company address and links to SoMe channels on department contact details
I would like to be able to add our Company address/location and links to message templates, e.g. to website and SoMe channels. However these fields does not currently exist in the Department contact details. My idea is to add these fields: Company...
In the previous version of the Admin experience, I could click on the Users tab and see the number of active users at my company. With the Admin Refresh version, it's no longer there, or I'm just not finding it. It'd be great to have something lik...
We are using the news articles to feature some of our events and courses. But the date on it is the date we loaded it. It is confusing as it appears that that is the date of the event! We need to either remove the field from showing on the tile or...
It would be beneficial to have a preview option for news articles rather than having to create, publish, view in the active portal, go back and edit...and so on. This would be a huge time saver!
It would be helpful to allow users to log in with their email as an option along with the username. All of our learners log into the Learner Experience directly from the log in page. There has been a lot of confusion when logging in, since many pe...
We have many different departments who want certificates. Adding an admin which would appear in the certificate would be very helpful. User will receive the certificate with their admin who has a closer experience.
It would be nice if Admins have the ability to create ad-hoc groups. Such as when a user completes a course/curriculum they are added to a new group, then automatically Enrolled in another Curriculum. For Example: When Level 1 Training is complete...
In AE, when editing course, change publish button to save (like A5)
In A5, when you edited a course, the action was clicking a save button. In AE when you edit a course, the action is clicking the publish button. To avoid confusion, can this button be changed back to save?
I do frequently use the notes area when updating versions of Online courses. Would be helpful to be able to print this notes out if ever needed for reporting/tracking/discussion/etc.