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Core LMS

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Assessment timer

Currently, when a learner exits their timed assessment, the timer continues to run according to the predefined duration set upon starting the assessment. Once this duration expires, the assessment expires, and there is currently no option to pause...
11 months ago in Assessment Lessons 0

restrict which admins can access and edit question banks and collaborations

When adding courses you can restrict admin visibility and editing ability to admins from specific departments. It would be good to be able to this with question banks and collaborations too.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Export Assessment Questions for translation purposes

Once an assessment is built in Absorb, there's no way to export the Q&A options for translation purposes. It would be very helpful to have that option. It would also help for when we need someone to review an assessment before launching it.
11 months ago in Assessment Lessons 0

Add auto-fill field to messages to display the teacher/trainers name

For the learner to know who will run an instructor led course, i want to be able to add a auto-fill field for "Trainer name".
over 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Toggle Specific Courses to be Visible in Catalog when also a part of a Curriculum

It would be beneficial for course bundles to be allowed as tile icon types for easier navigation. Ex: All CRM Courses, ALL Marketing Courses, etc as separate tiles in a container
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

Use Credits in View Enrollments, not just company time

It would be helpful if Credits (as opposed to Company Time) was visible in the Enrollments page. Current process: We have courses with preset credits and matching company time. Rather than create a new course for each variety of credit (we already...
over 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 1

Better video object support for Wistia

The Video learning object doesn't support videos hosted in Wistia without exposing the Wistia URL to learners, allowing video access and sharing outside of the LMS. The Object learning object marks videos "complete" the moment they're opened. Beca...
11 months ago in Video Lessons 0

Are there any virtual reality training coming to absorb?

Virtual reality training is CBT and can be used to train employees in a safer environment. It acts as a data base for SME's
11 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Instructor-only files

In instructor-led courses, create a tab similar to the Resources tab that exists today, but make it only visible to instructors. This would allow instructors to house any lecture materials, answer keys, etc. right within the training itself rather...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Inactive Courses - Messaging

After creating a new course, its often the case its not quite ready to be published (i.e. left inactive) but the administrator will still want to enrol users. One issue we have come across is the users aren't notified i.e. the 'you have been enrol...
11 months ago in Online Courses 1 Low Probability of Delivery