Observation Checklists - Allow Learner to Upload Files to be Assessed
We would love to take advantage of the observation checklist feature more, but much of our workforce is distributed geographically and a live observation isn't always feasible. We'd like to have learners be able to submit files (video, photos, aud...
In a previous LMS, I was able to easily enroll 2+ learners from just a list of usernames. I would enter usernames - essentially in a text field - and the LMS would verify the usernames and then enroll those learners who were active in the system. ...
Add a notes box for admin updates to explain why the update was made
There are times in LMS where updates are made to courses from another database to complete courses in LMS. Going in to LMS and completing a class for someone using the objective evidence from a prior completion seems fine, but it does not allow a ...
It would be helpful to be able to upload documents/photos/PDF/materials, etc. to a specific session within an ILC. Often times there are items specific to a class (class observations/feedback/activities, attendance sheet) that we would like to be ...
Reviewer Experience - Add a "Past Submissions" log to hold historics
The reviewer experience is missing a KEY area, which is storing the past submissions that reviewer has done - and it should include the full detail of the observation checklist, etc.
Add report of all managers and their direct reports
I need to get a list of all managers and their direct reports out of the system, so HR can double check. Simple enough request but only the 'manager' column can be added, there isn't a direct reports column in the users list.
Currently, you can allow users to rate a curriculum, but there is no option to allow learners to complete an evaluation. It would be helpful to gather data at that level, especially since we use curricula for department-specific new hire training.
Overdue emails are found in the message template section and do not have settings to resend on any schedule. But at the course level there is a Nudge email which can be sent up to 1000 times to a user. This "nudge" is sent to remind people to comp...
Currently, ILC Session reminder emails don’t have a function to apply the time zone to the email. Our courses are set to time zones across Canada and our students are finding the emails confusing since they only include the time and not the time z...