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Core LMS

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Filter by Group in Reports and Users

Groups can be useful to distinguish active from inactive learners, separate learners by enrollment key used, or role/position/title across all departments. However, I haven't found any pages that allow filtering by group, which kind of defeats the...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 6 Currently Available

Self Enrolment Rule - Is Manager

I've set alot of our users to be Managers. I now want to add self enrolment rules to courses to auto enrol managers onto courses but the field is not listed. I'd previously created a custom field for this and was hoping it could be removed but the...
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 5 Reviewed

Time Spent - Time Range

Have the ability to see how much time a user has spent on courses in general within a selected date range.
5 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Allow addition of learning objects in ILC courses

It would be helpful if we could add learning objects to ILC courses to add steps before attending a session or after attending a session.
almost 2 years ago in Instructor Led Courses 0 Unreviewed

Prevent a learner from starting two courses at the same time

After the recent headlines, our legal and compliance teams are asking us to put controls in place that prevent a learner from completing more than one course at the same time. Currently, you can open the LMS on more than one tab and start multiple...
3 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Show all courses in curriculum activity report, even if the user hasn't enrolled in a course yet

When users do not enroll themselves into a course within a curriculum, the unenrolled course does not appear on the user’s Curriculum Activity. When you click on the In Progress status and see the Curriculum Activity, only the courses the users ha...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Reviewed

Receive a notification when a user deletes their enrollment to an ILC session

Currently there is no way of knowing when a user removes their enrollment to an ILC session. Users assume that the organizers gets some notification about this, but we don't, and there has been confusion many times about disappearing enrollments.
about 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 1 Unreviewed

Timer in course

A timer that displays in the course to show the user how much time they currently have logged into the course. Some courses that are for government or companies need the user to have a certain amoutn of time logged into the course, and the student...
8 months ago in Online Courses 2 Unreviewed

Auto re-enroll upon failure for online courses

When a student fails an online course, is it possible for the system to automatically re-enroll them until they pass, or do not mark the course (and curriculum if part of one) as completed? This would eliminate the need for admin management as our...
3 months ago in Online Courses 1 Currently Available

Mandatory Evaluation should be a course object - too many ignore it

Course Evaluation should be a module just like courses are. Today it is in the right side and often overlooked by our course participants, so they only have 90% completion. A design issue I think. Make Course Evaluation available as a learning obj...
almost 3 years ago in Learner Experience 6 Currently Available