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Core LMS

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2-Factor Authentication within Absorb LMS (Not Through SSO)

Implement a checkbox/toggle under Portal Settings (or any other method) that allows a company to turn on 2-factor authentication for all its users through Absorb LMS. For example, when a user signs in with email and password, it will prompt them t...
about 2 years ago in Learner Experience 2

Show answers/feedback at the end of the assessment

When activating "show answers"/"show feedback" it is only possible after submitting one response at a time. Would be nice & helpful to be able to review the whole assessment only after finishing it.
over 1 year ago in Assessment Lessons 2

Enable User Info Collection for Troubleshooting (OS, Device, Browser)

To better troubleshoot and do testing collect the following information from learners and make it visible and reportable only to those with system administrator roles especially under the lesson activity AND a report: Device Device Type (Mobile, D...
2 months ago in Object Lessons 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Email Notification for Supervisors - Putting them in the CC line

When sending notifications it would be helpful if when the employee receives their enrollment email, as well as the nudge and completion, if we toggle the switch on so that their supervisor receives it, that they appear in the CC line. This way th...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 4 Reviewed

Allow for varied session dates for ILC

Currently ILCs must have a recurring schedule with the same times, locations, etc. It would be great if this wasn't required. I have courses that are a blend of in-person and virtual ILC with dates that are at varying intervals throughout the year...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Export transcript to excel

Would like to export user transcripts to excel rather than just printing pdf. Would also like to choose multiple users, or groups, or departments.
8 months ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 1

Create two separate instances of NoResultsID

Right now there is one instance in Translations of "NoResultsID". The default message now is "We're so sorry! We could not locate this course. If you believe you should have access to this course, please contact your system administrator." This me...
2 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Bypass dashboard notices

We need the ability to easily bypass notices on homepage if already viewed. Don't want to have to wait on it to load and "x" out each time.
2 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Option to hide course from catalog, but still allow those with a direct link to enroll

We have certain courses that are only needed by some of our users at specific times. In those cases, we email them a link to the catalog page with instructions on how to enroll. But since those courses appear in the catalog to all users, we someti...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

Customizable User-Specific Messages for Enhanced Course Communication Efficiency

Within the Messages section of a course, we should be able to create custom messages for each user type we can choose from (learner, admins, supervisor). This will significantly improve the communication efficiency. For example, using the enrollme...
8 months ago in Admin Experience 0