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Core LMS

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Ability to control the order of courses within catalogs/categories

It would be great to have the option to control the order of how courses appear within catalogs or categories instead of defaulting to alphabetical order.
4 months ago in Admin Experience 4 Reviewed

Customizable Course URLs for Enhanced User Experience

I’d love to see a feature for customizable course URLs. Here’s why it would be beneficial: Better User Experience: Easy-to-remember and shareable links. Enhanced Branding: Consistent URLs that align with our brand. Improved Organization: Clear and...
about 1 month ago in Learner Experience 2 Unreviewed

Ability to tailor RE-ENROLLMENT rules

Some of our employees need to take a course one-time only, while others need the same course annually (e.g., supervisors need to take it to be aware of what their employees do, but the employees need to refresh annually because they are responsibl...
11 months ago in Online Courses 3 Low Probability of Delivery
304 VOTE

Edit more that one course at a time for the sliders.

Edit more that one course at a time for the sliders. The ability to select multiple courses and edit things such as enable course review, course is active/inactive, and course due date bulk editing would be AWESOME. Now I need to do several licks,...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 36

More possibilities using Survey

It would be very beneficial if the surveys on Absorb would allow for additional question formats. For example, a table format (to avoid having to create a separate question for each row): 1. How well did this online course fulfil each learning obj...
about 2 months ago in Survey Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Automatically create departments when provisioning a new user

We use the user auto-privisioning functionality to automatically create users on the fly as they come in from our software. The problem is, the users come in with department set to the customer they are coming from. If the department exists in Abs...
5 days ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Allow Multiple Venues

Allow multiple venues EXAMPLE: Teams URL and In-Person option. Need to have both so there is a virtual option and an in-person option that tracks how many are attending in-person.
5 days ago in Instructor Led Courses 0 Unreviewed

Auto re-enroll upon failure for online courses

When a student fails an online course, is it possible for the system to automatically re-enroll them until they pass, or do not mark the course (and curriculum if part of one) as completed? This would eliminate the need for admin management as our...
13 days ago in Online Courses 1 Currently Available

Configure a certificate in Absorb instead of in Adobe

It would be great to have the ability to upload an image to absorb as a certificate background and then add/edit the fields (learner name, date, etc.) within Absorb instead of doing that process in a third-party tool (like Adobe) and then uploadin...
4 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Add "Does Not Equal" in more filters

When creating a Rule in Groups. I can use the NOT function for Location, but I cannot use it for Worker type. Can you please add NOT functionality to all fields in writing Rules? (attached) Thanks,Rick
10 months ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 4 Reviewed