Email Notification for Supervisors - Putting them in the CC line
When sending notifications it would be helpful if when the employee receives their enrollment email, as well as the nudge and completion, if we toggle the switch on so that their supervisor receives it, that they appear in the CC line. This way th...
Clicking Instructor Name on ILC Session Should Display Contact Information
Currently, clicking a hyperlinked instructor name on an ILC session directs users to any ILCs associated with that instructor. This is confusing, especially in cases where an ILC has dozens of sessions associated. Instead, clicking the hyperlinked...
Next button from one learning object to the following learning object
There is currently no next button option from one learning object to the next from a learner experience. I think it would make the course flow better and would be more intuitive for the learner
To whom it may concern, We have a core set of compliance modules that staff are required to take on an annual basis. These modules are in curriculums that are assigned on a yearly basis. We would like to set up a rolling auto enrollment that would...
Seems it would be relatively easy to have the flexibility to sort fields in an enrollment form. Especially as LMS's get built out, there will be a need to add custom fields. But there's no way to sort built in or custom fields. So fields ultimatel...
Users Activity Feed: The challenge we are facing are: Activity Feed is insufficient. Need to display absent, not complete, reenrolled and Course Name and deleted course activity feed. Currently the Activity Feed will only display the following Lea...
Report/Filter to see only most current certificate
I have a course that has ran now for a few years and we are getting into the stage where on the Certificate report learners are shown to have their first certificate and second certificate for the same curriculum. This is challenging to explain to...
Currently, search does not return results unless you pick the exact right character. For example, if you're filtering for First Name > Contains "Helen," you will get no results for "Hélène." Conversely, if you search for "Zoé" but the user ente...
Learners receive Microsoft Outlook invitations when they enroll in ILC. However, there is no mechanism in Absorb Admin Experience to track if a learner has accepted and therefore plans to attend the ILC in which they enrolled. This blind spot requ...
When a new course is added to a Curriculum, existing enrollments are not affected, it should be possible to determine if course additions to a curriculum result in one of the following:-Existing Enrollments are not impacted (current state)-Existin...