Easy way to bulk/mass download External Training files
We have 100s of users who did an external elearning course on Travel Security. They have all uploaded them individually to the External Training area. They should have been added to a course, as a course certificate upload, so we could report on t...
When searching for inactive users you have to specifically add the status is inactive filter for them to appear. This is inconsistent behaviour because you don't need to apply the same for courses, they just show up in the list automatically. Can ...
Allow ability to view individual user progress of courses within a curriculum in the Manager Experience.
As a manager in the Manager Experience, being able to go to an individual user, view Curriculum, then see the course progress for all courses within the curriculum. As of now, the current view only shows the high level curriculum progress.
Allow learners to Join ILC sessions hosted with the Teams Integration from MS Teams
When using the Absorb Teams Integration for Virtual Classroom Integrations, we would like our learners to be able to join the meeting directly from their MS Teams Application. Currently they need to copy and paste the meeting URL to join the call ...
Add roles as an option to assign groups or courses
Currently, there is no option to set up assignments or groups using roles. For example, a group of our admins require a different level of communication and visibility within the system. It would simplify how we manage this communication if we cou...
Add an import function to enable the bulk addition of direct reports. Manually adding one user at a time is time consuming. Having the ability to link a user's Direct Report field to a specific Group so the list is automatically updated and curren...
Option to add a 'Blank Answer' that can be manually marked in an Assessment
Right now you are required to provide an answer when creating a "Text" question in an Assesment. It would be nice to have the option to manually grade the employees open-ended answer to a question.
Display access date to learner when course is part of curriculum
When Curriculum contains multiple courses, they can be scheduled for release to learner by using 'access date'. If learner can see these dates in the curriculum outline, they won't be confused when then cannot see/access the content. This will mak...
When in the sandbox, it would be very helpful to have some type of banner or other visual alert that I know I'm in the sandbox. It's easier than I realized to be back and forth and forget which one I'm in.
over 1 year ago
in Core LMS
Low Probability of Delivery
There should be a way to export a sign in sheet for an ILC session. This is a common feature in almost every LMS I have ever worked in, and a big miss for Absorb, IMHO. I was able to export the registration report and manually create a sign-in she...