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Core LMS

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215 VOTE

Add an audit trail report for system admins

An audit trail report would be a list of important admin activities that could show things like changes to completion status or enrollment activities. In its simplest version, it would show the action, who performed it, and when. We are in a heavi...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 15 Under Consideration
184 VOTE

Organizational Structure/Hierarchy

It would be nice to be able to view an organizational chart to make sure all of your managers and departments are set up correctly. For instance being able to view an interactive tree diagram.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 20 Currently Available

Add Learner time to Transcript

Many of our clients provide a copy of their transcript as proof of course completion for CEUs and since learner time cannot be put on certificates at the moment, it would be nice for learner time to populate on the transcript so they can pull the ...
10 months ago in Learner Experience 5 Reviewed

Ability to control the order of courses within catalogs/categories

It would be great to have the option to control the order of how courses appear within catalogs or categories instead of defaulting to alphabetical order.
8 months ago in Admin Experience 4 Reviewed
172 VOTE

Allow for "Department 'Is Not'" Enrollment Rule

When creating an enrollment rule for Courses or Groups, Absorb only allows you to use Departments is "Is Only" or "And sub-departments of" logic. I would like to be able to exclude a department by setting it to "Department" "is not", and then sele...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 25 Low Probability of Delivery

"Notify me" button to let learners know when new ILC sessions are added

Many of our ILC courses run only a few times a year. Currently, learners must return to the LMS to determine if new sessions have been added. Adding a "notify me" option to the course would be useful. The learner would receive an email notificatio...
over 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 4 Reviewed

Review Mode for Stakeholders

No description provided
7 days ago in Core LMS 0

Ability to Exclude One Learner from Automatic Enrollments

No description provided
13 days ago in Admin Experience 0

Ability to see who searched for each term

The search log doesn't show us who searched for each term. This would be incredibly helpful to follow up and provide additional resources.
19 days ago in Learner Experience 0

Separate Email for Enrollments Made by Managers

We need an automatic email that sends to a learner when a manager enrolls them in a course, but not when they self enroll. The ability to send an email that says "You have been enrolled in [Course Name] course by [Manager Name]" would be incredibl...
19 days ago in Learner Experience 0