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Online Courses

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Copy chapter from one course to another

As we refine the courses, we sometimes want to move a chapter (or group of chapters) from one course to another. Obviously, this can be done by adding a new chapter in the second course and then adding all the content. This can be a lot of work, e...
12 months ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Full name of learner in Task Notification

Dear Community, the template "Task Notification" has only the username of the learner available but not the first and last name of the learner. Only the name of the task owner is available. It would be helpful if the name of the learner would be a...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Task Lessons 5 Unreviewed

Allow Admins to Delete Assessment Responses

When creating a new Assessment in an Online Course, I test it out by inputting a lot of test/sample responses. Then, they're stuck there forever. Admins should be able to delete (test) responses to an Assessment. (SurveyMonkey allows Admins to del...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Assessment Lessons 2 Unreviewed

Allow for More Control in Rqmt of Syllabus

In the syllabus section of a course's design, allow for more options. For example, mimic the minimum courses option in curricula and do "minimum chapters." Or allow chapters to be optional.
about 1 month ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Adding a Signature feature

Hello, I work for the Region of Waterloo, specifically the Region of Waterloo International Airport. I am in charge of the Training Program. We are heavily regulated by Transport Canada in all aspects (training, construction, procedures, complianc...
over 1 year ago in Core LMS / E-Signature Lessons / Online Courses 1 Unreviewed

Allow comments to be a mandatory field in observation checklists

Allow comments to be a mandatory field in observation checklists (we need to be able to require documentation for some items)
7 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Automatic date/time/reviewer stamp for obs. checklist items

We're piloting the use of observation checklists, and one barrier (from a regulatory perspective) is that we need a date/time/reviewer stamp for every observation checklist item. We often utilize multiple reviewers over days or even weeks, so that...
7 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Make Group Answers available in Observation for Reviewers for a Course.

When creating an online course with multiple Groups, the first few being a Survey to have the Learner answer question about the material just viewed. At the end a Group was created to have a Reviewer Observe those question with the Learner. Howeve...
3 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Show course expiration in the overview for online courses that are within a curriculum

It would be helpful for the expiration date of the online courses that are within a curriculum to display the expiration date the same way they do as a stand-alone course. The expiration of the online courses being visible to the learner is a comp...
3 months ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Duplicate Evaluation and Survey Questions

Make it so that you can duplicate evaluation and survey questions (and answers). It is very inefficient to have to rewrite similar questions over and over.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Survey Lessons 0 Unreviewed