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Unenrol users from courses or curriculums when mapping is removed

Currently once a user in enrolled in any type of course or curriculum, the enrollment will stay there permanently unless manually removed. To better automate and manage compliance, would be to remove enrollments which are no longer required for a ...
8 months ago in Curriculum 0 Unreviewed

Curriculum | Complete Courses in Order within Group

When you create a Group within a curriculum and assign courses to it, you are currently not able to make it so those courses must be completed in the order you have placed them in. Yes, you can require completion of one Group before moving to the ...
5 months ago in Curriculum 0 Unreviewed

Curricula Learner Progress Report

Would like to see a customize learner progress report automatically update with courses within a curriculum. When courses are removed/added to the curriculum, the report should be automatically updated and the inactive course are no longer shown o...
almost 2 years ago in Curriculum / Reporting 1 Reviewed

Have courses within Curriculum be visible to only some users

Have the ability to have 1 curriculum for a set of users, but based on the course within the curriculum's enrollment or visibility settings, have it hide courses that don't apply to them. For example: a curriculum for all front line employees is c...
6 months ago in Curriculum 0 Unreviewed

Add "Access Date" to "Availability" Tab of a course

Good afternoon, Absorb! I was wondering if it would be possible to add a "time from enrollment" option to "Access Date" under the availability tab of a course. Our intention is to enroll learners into the course, but not make it visible to them to...
about 2 months ago in Curriculum 0 Unreviewed

Course Version

When creating a new version allow admin to apply current enrollment/re-enrollment rules or update and course availability. For example: When we have annual training (this course is set to re-enroll) and add a new course to be included in the annua...
about 2 months ago in Curriculum 0 Unreviewed

Auto set courses to Start status when they reside in a curriculum

When courses reside in a curriculum they have a default status of Enroll until a student/employee actually starts the curriculum or courses within it. The problem is the Learned Progress report will display empty cells for a student/employee who h...
about 1 year ago in Curriculum 2 Unreviewed

Remove/rename "Course content" phrase from a Curriculum

In a Curriculum in should be "Curriculum content" or just "Content".Another option - allow admins to edit these text lines
almost 2 years ago in Curriculum 1 Unreviewed

Remove Curriculum Completion when a Course Group Completion within is no longer satisfied.

The situation described below would assist Managers in quickly determining an Employee's Curriculum Training Status, and currency, without having to look at individual Course Completions. I'll describe one existing scenario, but this scenario appl...
about 3 years ago in Curriculum / Reporting 3 Reviewed

Out of the box training for new learners

Already created trainings for learners/managers on how to use the system and navigate would be very helpful. I know that Absorb Academy is there for admins, but something similar for other roles would be extremely helpful, especially if it was set...
about 1 year ago in Curriculum 4 Low Probability of Delivery