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Add Competency as a field in Course Report

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about 1 month ago in Competencies / Reporting 3 Fair Probability of Delivery

Enhance the competency framework with direct assignment and selection of levels

As part of my work to develop training for learners to achieve industry certification, I am trying to set up competencies in Absorb in a way that matches the structure of competencies as laid out by the certifying agency. Absorb currently only all...
6 months ago in Competencies 1 Future Consideration

Competency Level - REMOVE "Level 1" label on badge when ONLY one level identified

When only one level is identified for a competency - the badge shows "Level 1" by default under its badge icon and name. This implies there are additional levels available to be achieved.... even when there are not. I'd like to ability to remove t...
over 2 years ago in Competencies 3 Future Consideration

Easier way to add competency to users

Currently, adding competencies to users is really clunky. In order to assgn a competency, I need to add it to a related course or curriculum. OR, I can manually add it to users. However, the only option for adding to users is by user name. It does...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Competencies 1 Gathering Interest

Choice of Curriculum or courses within a Curriculum to be visible in Courses section of Credentials

It's useful to be able to decide what shows up in the Credentials section and where. Learners would benefit to have a clearer understanding of what they've completed. There are several ways this could work: A choice in the Curriculum set up to cho...
about 2 years ago in Certificates / Competencies / Curriculum 1 Future Consideration

Integrate Competencies with Performance Mgmt Vendor Platforms

Would love to be able to connect required competencies to courses. If an organzation has a competency structure, how to connect the two to automate.
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Competencies / Core LMS / Integration 1 Future Consideration