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Expiry time of courses should be at midnight- not equal to time of enrollment

There is no way to include "time of enrollment" to the expiry messaging in emails or on the indicator of when a course is coming due to expire. The standard understanding when things expire is always at midnight - this should be applicable to all ...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 5 Reviewed

Adding Resources to more then one catagory

We should be able to select more than one catagory hen adding a reqource instead of having to add it more tham once.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

Add 2 new filters: "Does not start with", and "Does not end with"

Our organization would like to add two NEW filter choices in a select box drop down menu that states “Does Not Start With” or something to that nature to help us filter choices for rules of assignment – those currently present are “Starts With”, “...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Picking the date a monthly report goes out

When creating a report there is the option to send it out daily, weekly, monthly, bi-monthly. If I choose the monthly option it does not let me pick the day it goes out, it automatically goes out the first of the month. Hoping to see the option to...
almost 3 years ago in Reporting 0 Reviewed

Manager Experience - Course Search needs to be wider or show full course titles

When searching for a specific course in the Manager Experience, the course dropdown selector should be wider to allow for courses with similar titles to be able to know which course you are selecting. Update: I received word that this is how the s...
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 0 Reviewed

Don't send empty scheduled report

We have scheduled some reports e.g. for enrollments. The mail is sent even when there is no result. I need to open the mail and open the file just to see that nothing happened. Having the option to decide if runs without any result should be sent ...
about 3 years ago in Reporting 1 Reviewed

Prices to include GST

With pricing for selling courses in our LMS, it adds the GST at checkout – rather than having the price upfront. Is there a way to change this? The price advertised must include GST as it is illegal to advertise prices without including GST, accor...
2 months ago in eCommerce 1 Reviewed

Course attendance should count inactive users

Record keeping is important for us as our data is reported to the public. Ideally, we would like to use the LMS as a tool for record keeping in terms of course attendance. However, once a user on our LMS is deactivated, their course records "disap...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 4 Reviewed

Scheduled Reports only generate is there is new onformation added

Instead of receiving scheduled reports every day, regardless of new information, you only recieve them when there IS new information. Then you know when you need to review them.
almost 2 years ago in Reporting 6 Reviewed

Additional Answer Types to Observation Checklists

Currently, the only options for Observation Checklists responses are a "Yes/No" or a free-form Observation. If the Observation Checklist had a similar feature to the Assessment and allowed for a Multiple Choice Question Type in single- or multiple...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Reviewed