Observation Checklists | Allow customization on Observation steps
On Observation checklists, the Observation option only allows for 250 characters max, where as comments allow 4000 max. On an observation, I would actually expect 250 characters to be the MINIMUM. The option to customize the minimum and maximum ch...
Using the data metric Time Spent to allow for course completion.
Time spent is currently being tracked in online courses, it would be great to allow the completion of the course to be based on this data point/ metric i.e. the learner will have to achieve a certain amount of time spent within the course before t...
Add 'Number of Attempts' column to Course Activity report
This column is not available as a default or as an additional column. This would be really useful for one of our reports that we are legally obliged to make available.
Other LMS's that we have used have keyboard shortcuts to allow for a more efficient and faster navigation. Example, when searching for a user, if you filter by username / name / email, other system allow hitting enter (from keyboard) to retrieve t...
To whom it may concern, We would like to suggest a message template that is triggered when a student fails to attend an ILC. The template message would serve to notify the manager and the student that the ILC was missed. If possible it would also ...
When creating courses, we include pdf forms for the learners to download. To add the forms, we insert a download icon, select Action > On click > Download a file > Choose a file and upload the pdf. Some of the forms appear in multiple cou...
Improved interface navigation for content reviewers in Absorb Create
We request a more efficient and user-friendly way for users with review permissions in Absorb Create (access to comment but not with a Create license) to access the content they need to review. Currently, these users can only access the content vi...
When entering dates in enrolment rules, report criteria etc. there is no option to enter relative dates (e.g. within the last X days etc.). In many cases you need relative as opposed to absolute (before X date) dates. This missing functionality cr...
Right now, there is one global template for course evaluations. We are now wanting to add required standardized evaluations to our courses and have different questions for ILC vs Online. We will have to choose which we will use the template defaul...