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Proposal: Integrating Tag Management System for Enhanced User Behavior Tracking of external users in Absorb LMS

Current State & Major Pain Points: Our objective is to consistently conduct audits of external user behavior and gather user feedback within the Absorb LMS platform. Regrettably, there is no mechanism in place to track user behavior for our ex...
7 months ago in Platform 0 Unreviewed

System timeout associated with SCORM/external training

We currently have OSHA courses that must be completed via an external vendor site per OSHA regulations. This is a SCORM package that sits in Absorb and sends the user elsewhere, making them look idle in Absorb. If we turn our security settings on ...
9 months ago in Third Party Lessons 0 Unreviewed

New Learner Experience Course Player - Display a dialog to proceed to the next course.

The new course player is a well-designed, intuitive way for users to advance to the next course. It would be great if the course could be configured to automatically display the Next Course dialog when the user completes the course.
about 1 year ago in Learner Experience 1 Unreviewed

Observation Checklists | Allow Admin to Complete

For checklists that might have happened on paper or outside the system, allow the admin to mark as complete to remove the learner from "Ready to Review". Additionally allow to over ride completion date for a checklist to properly reflect completions.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 1 Reviewed

Mark a Question as Inactive in a Question Bank

In order to adjust the scope of a question bank, the ability to mark a question as inactive while retaining existing responses would enable the ability to revise the purpose of a question bank without compromising existing assessments
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Core LMS 0 Reviewed

Remove/rename "Course content" phrase from a Curriculum

In a Curriculum in should be "Curriculum content" or just "Content".Another option - allow admins to edit these text lines
almost 2 years ago in Curriculum 1 Unreviewed

Inactive Courses Should Show in ME

Inactive courses do not show in Manager Experience, but it is essential that Managers be able to pull a holistic accounting of courses employees have completed without the need for Admin Experience access.
about 1 year ago in Manager Experience 1 Unreviewed

Add "Not Enrolled" reporting option for curricula, courses, and sessions.

Currently, Analyze is only reporting on active enrollments. We would like to report on users who are not enrolled in a course. For example, if a user is enrolled in a curriculum, we would like to see the user's status of all courses within that cu...
over 2 years ago in Analyze 5 Currently Available

Observation Checklist - Add more individual identifiers or sorting options

As a reviewer, I would like to more easily identify the correct individual from the "Ready" tab. Currently, this tab pulls in the individual first name and last name as well as the job title, but this can be confusing for reviewers in large organi...
over 1 year ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 3 Currently Available

Improving Resources Subfolders

We would like to have a "download all" button for all documents in each subfolder of the resources area - to be able to download the whole bulk of files rather than doing that one by one.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed