Date Equals Filter should include option to enter a date
Currently you can only choose "After, Before, Between, Equals" Equals only allows you choose "Today, This Month, This Quarter, This Year, Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month, Last Quarter, Last Year" , There should be an option to enter an exact date.
Since nudge emails are scheduled based on the configuration set when a Course is created, the ability to send additional nudges on an ad-hoc basis would enable the ability to prompt completion of courses without the need to adjust the nudge email ...
Not marked as present unless each associate enrolls in session. We would like the system to pick up those who have joined the meeting but did not enrolled they just were forwarded the invite to the meeting.
Date Edited field should respond to Content Changes
Currently, if you modify any Learning Objects in an Online Course or Curriculum, the Date Edited field does NOT get updated. During an audit (such as ISO), it is very difficult to prove what Course version that a Learner has received, and it would...
It would be great if Managers were able to send a nudge manually to their reports directly through the manager experience. A button on each course tile under a users name to "send nudge" would be great. A next step up from that would be a button t...
When searching a column for a keyword, I should be able to hit the "enter" button to make it search instead of requiring me to click the "Add Filter" button. It's really annoying.
When utilizing the scheduled reports feature, we need to be able to set the specific date and times for the delivered reports. Currently using the scheduled reports, it will deliver the report at 00:01 of your current time zone. For any business t...
Nudge emails to users with any outstanding training - showing all the courses that are outstanding
We are leveraging the course based Nudge emails but just re-assigned 17 company polices to be trained upon and if we setup a nudge on each of those 17 courses, a user would get 17 emails and that seems a bit overkill/spammy. Seems there should be ...