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Link ILCs to Session Report

When I am accessing individual sessions via the ILC Session report, it would be really helpful to be able to be able to access the session instance information directly from this report. For example, if I'm viewing a session instance and see that ...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses / Reporting 0 Unreviewed

Add Column for Learner Message in Message Templates report

The column selections in the Message Templates report include everything but something to show if it's actually "on" for learners (our most important recipients). In other words, the "Send to learner" toggle set to On/Off can't be viewed in bulk i...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Unreviewed

Allow for batch select & export from the Media Library in Create

It would be really helpful if we could export multiple images at once from the Media Library in Create. My organization reuses a lot of our images for related content or customizing content for smaller audiences, and being able to multi-select and...
over 2 years ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Ability to add text to a course instead of creating a word doc that has to be downloaded

Text learning object or ability to insert text between two learning objects. We would like to be able to write text to provide our learners information (such as instructions for specific activities, course content, course summary, etc.) without th...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience / Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Terms and Conditions (and User Agreements) should reset each time they are updated

T&C and User Agreements do not currently require 'acceptance' for new versions.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Allow for multiple sorting columns within a report

I need to see all types of courses (ILC, Curriculum, Online Courses) in my Admin view. The filter I have set currently has the Course Type grouped together, but within that view, all of the courses are haphazardly listed. It would be really helpfu...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed

Ability to Duplicate Courses Containing Learning Objects Made in Create

If a course contains any learning objects made in Create, we currently cannot duplicate that course. This requires admins to spend an unnecessary amount of time re-building each course we need to duplicate. Please introduce the ability to duplicat...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Create / Online Courses 1 Unreviewed

When the class size meets the maximum numbers, the learners’ status will only be showed as “On Wait List” even though the enrollment was done by admin. However, the admin can change the learners’ status from “On Wait List” to “Not Started”

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses 1 Unreviewed

Photo Uploads

It would be very helpful if you could add photos to course descriptions and session descriptions by uploading a photo instead of having to have a web address. I would like it to work the same as it does for when you upload thumbnail or other photo...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 1 Currently Available

Message log for Instructors and Admins

Functionality for sending messages to learners is great. But after sending messages, there is no way to go back and see even a log of when you sent message. For example, we have classes which span many months of ILCs. It can be hard to remember if...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 0 Unreviewed