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Admin Experience - Duplicate Setup Templates (Dashboards)

Setting up a custom dashboard template is VERY time consuming. It would be incredibly helpful to be able to setup a template and then duplicate that template and make minor changes, rather than start from scratch for each individual template.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Reviewed

Upload a single powerpoint slide to an existing CREATE Course

I would like to ability to upload a single powerpoint slide as an option under Add Page to my existing course. Currently this option only allows for a blank page or upload a video. I had already uploaded the course but needed to make changes to a ...
over 1 year ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Multiple Evaluation Templates

Right now, there is one global template for course evaluations. We are now wanting to add required standardized evaluations to our courses and have different questions for ILC vs Online. We will have to choose which we will use the template defaul...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Publish and not publish switch for Global Resources in BULK

Having the ability to add a global resource and keep it as "not published" until ready to publish to learners in BULK (multiple select)
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Reports: Manager column not available in any course reports.

Challenge: In any of the course reports, manager is not available as a column. If i have to create a course completion report with a pivot showing different managers and how many people are pending for each manager, i cannot do that . I have to pu...
about 1 year ago in Reporting 2 Unreviewed

ILC Session Enrollment does not show Date

Challenge: I Have multiple sessions created for a topic. when i enroll a set of people to a sessions, the dropdown does not show the date of the session. it only shows session Name and how many slots available. How will i know which session is whi...
about 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 1 Unreviewed

Change fields with an enrollment key

I would like the ability to overwrite any field set for existing users with an enrollment key. For example: An enrollment key is configured, and that key is set to place the user in department 'X'. If a new user uses the key - they are placed in d...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Managers assign courses

Can managers have the capability to assign/enroll courses to their direct reports?
almost 3 years ago in Manager Experience 1 Currently Available

Scaling Tile icons and backgrounds

When you are in the LX you can have normal tile Icons and backgrounds. But when you switch to mobile the backgrounds disappear and it doesn't fit the design anymore. I have includes two examples. It would be great to have the same UX/UI for Deskto...
5 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Reports: Change Control History

When a course is republished, require the submitted to include a note on what has been changed. Make the republish date, changes made, and submitter name reportable in the reports are of Absorb.
about 1 year ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed