When creating Question Banks, sometimes you discover after the fact that a topic truly belongs in a different one from where you put it originally. It would be nice to be able to easily Move it.
about 2 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
I'd like to start to use News Articles but cannot begin to use them without the ability to track views. Right now, the only method I'm able to find around News Articles views is the Search Analytics page but that is a less than ideal method of see...
It would cut time and steps if the URL link for the course was made available in the admin experience. Perhaps a column admins can filter into reports (such as course ID) rather then having to first, activate course, then go in Learner Experience ...
almost 3 years ago
in Online Courses
Low Probability of Delivery
Add 'Other' to course/curriculum/course bundle messages
For Completion messages (or any other system generated message) it would be helpful to have 'Other' available. I want to be able to automatically send a completion/nudge/fail message to a subject matter expert that is not necessarily an admin/supe...
over 3 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
Already created trainings for learners/managers on how to use the system and navigate would be very helpful. I know that Absorb Academy is there for admins, but something similar for other roles would be extremely helpful, especially if it was set...
over 1 year ago
in Curriculum
Low Probability of Delivery
Would be great if date/time started (in addition to the date enrolled that is already there) could be a data point on the User Enrollment report. This way we could easily see how much time someone spends on all of their courses. As it stands now, ...
almost 2 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
"Send to Other" Message Template is available on a Task Message Template, but is not available on the Course level messaging. The hope would be to have a "Send to Other" message option on a course and curriculum level, at least for the "Send Compl...
Hi, There is a crucial column missing on the new Lessons Report: CATEGORY. From my legacy lessons, I have duplicates in different Courses. This report should help me locate them. (Attached) Thanks,Rick
about 3 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery