I was looking for a comprehensive report listing of all courses set with auto-enrollment enabled - not just a list of the courses, but details about the rules. We have to track requirements for each of our positions outside of Absorb because there...
Don't Require Completion of All Sessions when Allowing Learners to Enroll in Multiple Sessions for ILCs
Right now, the feature allowing learners to enroll in multiple sessions of a course also requires them to complete all enrolled sessions in order to be marked as complete for the course. There should be an option when creating the ILT course for a...
In the syllabus section of a course's design, allow for more options. For example, mimic the minimum courses option in curricula and do "minimum chapters." Or allow chapters to be optional.
Course Approval options on/off for different areas (eg dept, job title) with ILCs
For the majority of our courses and departments, users can enrol themselves without needing approval from anyone. We do have some frontline areas and lengthier courses which would need approval from either a manager or our Resource&Planning te...
It would be a great improvement to be able to suppress notification at the enrollment stage. Situations like archiving and reconciliation do not require a user to be notified about enrollment. Right now it demands double change on course level or ...
over 2 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery