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If you update your Course view to Sidebar in Portal - it changes for all

We have a module in which someone must complete a SCORM FILE, then read a PDF, then sign an acknowledgement via an Assessment. I updated our PORTAL to Courses Sidebar view. Assuming all courses will now have the sidebar. But I just learned if this...
11 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

User Instructions are misleading in the new course player - Learning Objects (Object)

When a learning object is a PPT or PDF, the learner is instructed to download a file. The on-screen instructions (that we cannot edit) tell the learner to "Close this window once you have completed the activity." In the new player format, there's ...
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Move Certificate location out of Course Overview and back into Course Progress Area.

After completing a course, earned certificates are being generated within the Course Overview area. This location for providing users their certificates within the course page is poor. The new location where certificates are provided within the co...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 1 Unreviewed

HTML Email - Reset Password Link button update

We are setting up our password reset email to use our own logos, colors, branding, etc. We tried creating the Reset Password Link as a button instead of a text link. However, when we use {{{ResetPasswordLink}}} as built in Absorb, there is an extr...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Admins should not be able to assign courses above their defined permissions

An admin currently limited to a defined department can assign courses outside of their defined admin departments.
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Course Enrolment / Visibility Rules - Make it Visible only to People Managers

Business Use Case: We have a business requirement that certain courses apply only to the Manager and Leadership levels. Currently, we don't have any option by default in the Self Enrollment rules section to make the courses visible only to Manager...
11 months ago in Admin Experience / Manager Experience / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Filter Users by completed/not enrolled for specific courses

It would be massively useful to be able to filter users with the filter option of 'completed', 'incomplete' or 'not enrolled' in a designated course. For example, I have a group of 2k new hires in the last 3 months, some of which received the new ...
11 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Supervisor approval should be confirmed rather than prompting them to login.

Currently if a course requires supervisor approval, the supervisor receives an email notification to approve their staff to enroll in a course. That "Approve" link in the email prompts them to login to Absorb rather than sending them a confirmatio...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Manager Experience 2 Unreviewed

Persistent access to Analyze

Accessing Analyze is only available by first going to the main dashboard and then clicking the Analyze link in the Dashboard/Analyze navigation bar. And this bar only appears when you're on the dashboard. Would be great if this navigation were per...
almost 3 years ago in Analyze 5 Reviewed

Default exclude deleted/inactive enrollments/chapters

Many of the data models include deleted and inactive items by default and require adding multiple filters to exclude that data. This is generally opposite of the behavior in reports and views in Absorb. For example, if you copy a course for testin...
almost 3 years ago in Analyze 1 Low Probability of Delivery